Twelve: The Cause

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Hey guys!! Seriously words cannot express how sorry I am for be updating this fanfic almost 8 months later. I didn't forget about it, I was just full with work plus I was writing an Erik Durm's fanfic that I'll post in here soon after I finish this one. I am back now and I'll finish this fanfic like I should have done long time ago. I hope you enjoy! Please vote and comment, it'll mean a lot to me. xx


I spent the whole night checking on André. It was so dark that I could almost see his face. He stopped shaking but now he had a really heavy fever. He was burning so much that I had to place his head on one of the bags because it hurt the contact of his skin with my leg.

Shkodran was leaning next to me. He couldn't sleep either. We were both worried about André and still, he was asleep. We couldn't talk to him to know what happened.

"Man, this sucks." Shkodran said and I nodded even if he couldn't see me.

"I think he's sick." I said.

"How?" He asked.

"We're on a fucking island. He could catch something or get bitten by something too." I said.

"Well that makes sense." He said.

"It's just- It's too weird. I mean, he was between us." I said.

"I know. I got really nervous when I saw him collapsing. It freaked me out." Shkodran said.

I nodded.

"Didn't you see something before? A weird behavior in him?" I asked.

"No." He said. I sighed.

I just hope the morning to come quickly. I really hate being awake during the night, I cannot surely sleep during this stressed out situation.


The sun hit my face and I opened my eyes quickly. Shkodran was sleeping next to me and André was still with his head on the rock. I touched his forehead and he was still on fire. I sighed.

"Musta." I said shaking Shkodran's shoulder.

"Uh." He mumbled.

"We need to go back." I said.

After a minute he opened his eyes and stood.

"Ja. Okay." He said.

We grabbed André, I took his feet and Shkodran his hands. We had to take him back because we're not safe in here, also water would ran out eventually. We walked about two hours back and finally saw the waterfall. It was Shkodran's idea to leave marks with leaves. He made a hole in them with his hands and hung it on the trees. The way back was easy so we arrived without a problem.

"Guys what the fuck-

"What happened?" Boa asked concerned as he walked towards us, helping to carry André to the camp.

"We don't know. He just collapsed on the ground." I said.

We laid André next to Bastian inside the tent.

"Man, he looks like shit." Bastian said and I rolled my eyes.

"Did he say something?" Boa asked but I shook my head.

"I think he's sick." I said.

"Look." Bastian said pointing to André's neck.

I came closer to look. It was a sting.

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