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A/N: Guys thank you so much for the 7K reads and all the love and comments and votes you've given to this story. I am so happy to receive all this support and it makes me wanna keep writing more good stories for you all. Thank you so much!

Note: All characters, names, situations are fictitious. 



The helicopters arrived at 9:15 p.m. in Berlin. The boys got out of the plane, their families were notified already so they closed the airport so they could receive their sons and husbands privately and quietly. Their families were waiting them inside the airport with presents and cute messages, the players when got out of the plane, started crying at the sight of their families.

They boys were hosted in a Hotel to spend the night and they were given new clothes. The next day each player was interviewed by the police and the football federation to tell everything that happened in the island. They returned to their respective homes the same day to spend time with their families and close friends. After a month of the arrival they were summoned again in Berlin to have a trial for Mats Hummels since they needed to testify over the deaths committed by him.

Mats Hummels was declared guilty of the assassination of 5 people including former teammates André Schürrle and Ilkay Gündogan, stewardesses, Daniela Pelter and Melissa Brunoir, and co-pilot Jean Pierre Magnello. He was sentenced to five life sentences without parole.

The boys returned to their respective homes and were checked by professionals. In conclusion they were given a year to recover from the traumatic experience they lived in the island.


After a couple of months after exhaustive investigation the authorities concluded that the aircraft suffered engine damage during the long journey. They also reported that no one was involved in the accident was due to a technical failure.

The soccer federation sued the manufacturer of aircraft parts and won the case after several months. The players had to visit the court more than once to testify.


1 year later.


"Welcome back Marco." I heard Tuchel's voice coming from behind. I turned around and smiled widely.

"Thanks coach." I said giving him a hug.

"You look great now. Even stronger." He said squeezing my muscles. I laughed.

"Thanks. I feel great." I said and he nodded.

"I am so happy that you're fully recovered." He said.

"I know. I was dying to come back. But I am ready and hungry." I joked and he nodded.

"EEEhh Erik!" He shouted as we watched Erik walking inside the room. I smiled widely.

"Hey man! You look great." I said hugging him. He chuckled.

"Thank you. I still can't play though. But the doctors say that I will in a few months." He said and Tuchel nodded.

"We're looking forward to that believe it." He said patting Erik's shoulder.

"Okay. I'll leave you boys. I have to find the rest okay?" He asked and we nodded.

"SUNNYYY!" We heard Tuchel's voice on his way back. I looked at Erik and we laughed a few seconds later Mario appeared in the locker rooms with a poker face.

"He's never going to get over it, is he?" He asked and we shook our heads. He arrived his locker next to mine and opened it.

"It's actually a cute nickname." Erik said and I laughed.

"Yeah sure. But he won't get over it any time soon." Mario said.

"Let it be. He's happy that we're back." I said. Mario changed his shirt and then closed the locker room and took a look around and smiled.

"I am happy to be back if I am being honest." He said caressing the cold metal of the locker. I smiled widely.

"You belong here." I said placing my hand on his shoulder and he nodded.

"READY?" I heard Tuchel voice again.

"Yes SIR." We shouted at the same time and laughed as we did our way out of the locker rooms. In our way out I couldn't help but see Ilkay's old locker room and felt an immense pain on my chest. The club have decided to remove his dorsal number on his honor.


We visited André's stone in the cemetery after visiting their parents to give our condolences. It has been over a year since his passing and we still feel the void that he left. I was with Mario bringing flowers to him.

"I can't believe he's not here with us." Mario said and I nodded as I placed the white roses we bought.

I caressed the stone that read "André Schürrle (1990-2015) Loving son, brother and friend. Player of DFB, world champion and pride of the nation, you will always be with us."

I felt my eyes going glassy. It's been a year and a half since his passing and we're still affected by this. We dreamt about playing all together in the same club and now seeing that Mario has come to BVB last month and he's not with us just breaks my heart.

"If you could turn back time... Would you?" Mario asked, I looked at him concerned and nodded.

"Without a doubt." I said.

"What would you have done differently?" He asked.

"I wouldn't have gotten into that plane." I said looking up to the sky. It was clear and we were in the middle of the summer. The sky had a beautiful blue and there was no cloud to be seen.

"Me neither." He replied.

"But I don't like to think about the "What if" you know? I won't ever justified André's death but things... Things happen for a reason. I feel at ease that justice has been served." I said and Mario nodded as he sat on the grass.

"I feel happy that Müller got back to his family and is improving on his mental treatment." I said and Mario looked at me from the ground.

"I feel happy that Ilkay is resting as well, he probably is with his parents now and I hope he's happy whenever he is." I added.

"I feel happy that Erik is at his best right now and he came back stronger than ever. That we have a great team and that we're leaders in the bundesliga right now." I said and he smiled.

"I feel happy that we became a stronger and more united national team, we became friends and that's what I value the most." I said.

"Me too." Mario said.

"But the thing that makes me happier is that we're alive and healthy. That we made it out of that island and we're together. I am happy Mario. I got to see my family again and play football, do what I love." I said and he smiled widely.

"I know. I am happy too." He said.

"I am just grateful for everything. I'll always be." I simply said looking at Andre's grave and then to the clear sky. I felt a sense of ease and joy filling my heart and I knew everything was going to be alright.

The end.

Thank you so much to the people who read this, it was incredibly fun to write this fanfic and I am happy it has come to an end. Thank you for over the 4K reads and the lovely comments and votes you gave me. 

For those who read this fanfic and like Marco Reus, I invite you to read "Patient Love" which is a fanfic of his, since he's my favorite player. The story is published here as well. 

Rockets of love,


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