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Boredom, that was all I could feel at the moment, total and endless boredom. Letting my body slide down the sapphire seat I let out an exasperated sigh, this whole waiting thing was not fun.

"Juliette?" Hoggle's voice reached my ears as he entered the room "oh Hoggle any news from our little intruder?" I questioned smashing yet another crystal into the ground "yes Juliette, I'm afraid he is looking for you" unnerved by my actions his fingers began to twitch as he spoke worriedly "again? Very well, I'll go tend to him" Springing up from my seat I kneeled down to his height "after all, one must always be the perfect host" tapping the tip of his nose I rose to my feet.

Hoggle smirked, he saw the mischief within my eyes and knew exactly what would happen "he is at the two knockers" Hoggle stated a lot more confidently this time "the deaf and the mute?" I asked "no the one with the red and blue shield"

"Ah well alright, lets see if our intruder would like to play a game".

"TELL ME WHICH ONE IS THE CORRECT ONE!!" Jareth shouted in outrage, the riddle before him made no sense! How on earth was he supposed to get through?!

Chuckling under my breath I placed my chin upon his shoulder. Slightly startled by my actions he turned to face me, an angry scowl spread upon his features as his eyes scanned me up and down "Ah roamer pleased to see you are here" Jareth spoke sarcastically "I had to see how you were are you liking my Labyrinth Jareth the High Prince?" I taunted with a mischievous glint.

Jareth's face turned red with rage, raising my hands in up in defeat I chuckled "the truth can be taken as a lies, but also all of our lies may sound like the truth" I whispered as I took a step closer Jareth, both of our chests almost touching as we stared each other down "that's just a hint to the riddle" I taunted "I only came here because I was looking for you! And the only bloody way to get your attention is by going through this wretched Labyrinth!!" he snapped.

His words angered me, wretched?! The Labyrinth was anything but wretched!! "you were looking for little old me? here I thought you were performing a task to ascend to the throne" suppressing my anger I glided my hand across his chest and shoulders before bringing my face close to his "which is the right way?" he asked once more, this time more calmly "well" I paused for a moment, a large smirk spread upon my face as I stared at the handsome Fae "It all depends on where you're going" staring up at his eyes I smirked "do you know where you're going?" "no" he answered, "Then why does it matter which door you take?".

Taking a hold of his coat I began to play with its edges "now, how about we make this fun for the both of us?" I whispered, his eyes trained upon my lips "what is it that you propose?" placing my hand onto his shoulder I smirked, "a game quite simple actually!"

Grinning at my wicked idea I began to circle him like a predator would with its prey"it's simple enough, if you beat my labyrinth twice I'll fight you in a magic duel" gracing my hand across his shoulders I felt him shiver under my palm "and if you beat me you'll become King of the Labyrinth and the fae kingdom" taking a small jump in excitement I place my mouth behind his ear "isn't that your task? the prince who defeats the Labyrinth ascends to the throne? but what about one who did it twice?".

Watching a grin spread upon his face he abruptly turned in my direction "there's just one simple detail" I smiled "you can't use magic until the duel" tapping his nose, his grin widened "well then but if I win not only shall I become King but I get to choose your fate" he stated "deal, now let's seal it".

Smashing my lips into his I feel his lips move against mine "you've got 13 hours to do the task....and if you finish the labyrinth twice then come to the gazebo" taking a step backwards we were then surrounded by a cloud of purple smoke which transported us back to the entrance of the Labyrinth "See you on the flip side" I teased before disappearing in a cloud of smoke.

The Labyrinths RoamerWhere stories live. Discover now