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Valda, Alissa and Oili seemed to be content with their new bodies, the excitement of being eating breathing being elated them "Juliette how did you do it?" Valda asked as she inspected her new body "it took me lots of practice" I confessed "the first 7 tries didn't work and made the statues become still...forever" bowing my head in shame Alissa looked at me gratefully "still, we are so grateful for what you did for us"

Oili held my hand as we walked out the stone garden" I never thought one day that I'll be able to leave the stone Garden" Alissa spoke in wonder, her eyes assessing every detail in the labyrinth "well for as long as you wear those necklaces you won't be bound to the garden" I assured had eyes widening "so we can stay like this forever!!" Valda looked at me for reassurance her now blue eyes staring at mine full of hope "like I said as long as you wear the necklace, you won't be bound to the stone garden" holding my hand up my magic begins to move it away "wow" I hear them gasp from behind me "come on girls the castle is awaiting".

The castle was swarmed with goblins, more at this time that has ever been "Juliette, who are these women?" Jareth asked as he approached us.

Goblins with decorations in their hands trailed behind him "Jareth, this is Valda, Alissa and Oili" Introducing them each of them bowed their heads accordingly "it's a pleasure, ladies, I hope you enjoy your time here" Bowing his head Jareth returned to his work "let me show you to your rooms" Leading the way Valda, Oili, and Alissa followed close behind.

Opening one of the oak wood doors I wave my hand slowly, my magic transforming the bed into three lavish ones "it's beautiful!!!" Alissa smiled as she twirled around "you are truly talented" Valda agreed her eyes assessing the room "so the room is just for us?" Oili grinned throwing herself over one of the beds "yes. I'll leave you to settle down and tomorrow we can arrange your gowns for the ball" bowing my head I left the room silently.

Jareth's POV

The castle was starting to shape up, decorations were being placed in their respectful place for the ball "Leefront could you get Juliette?" I asked "yes your majesty" he bowed before scurrying away, fixing my coat I turn to look at myself in the mirror "you asked for me?" hearing Juliette's voice from behind me I began to smirk "ah Juliette" facing her I slowly approached her "I presume you've found a gown am I right?" rolling her eyes I let out a chuckle "Jareth do not get me started" Juliette threatened "I wasn't going to say anything" my smirk widened at my words.

"Well then, why did you call me here for?" crossing her arms over her chest she quirked one eyebrow "I was wondering if you'd like to accompany me in the Labyrinth" I offered "the Labyrinth? now, why would you like to go there?" leaning on the doorway Juliette stared at me blankly "I have some business there and I would love it if you helped" nodding her head I followed Juliette out the castle.

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