Free fall

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Glancing at the clock on the far side of the room I smirked, he had 11 hours left. Shuffling my feet around I suddenly began to get the feeling of being summoned.
The feeling of being summoned could be easily compared to the feeling of having a fly or a mosquito around you, it's incessant and extremely annoying

"Labyrinths Roamer I know you can hear me" Jareth's obnoxious voice filled my ears "what is it Jareth?" I whispered into his mind, irritation dripping from my every word "Finally you have answered, I'm at the end of the Labyrinth now!" He informed through my mind link.

Rolling my eyes I transported myself to the end of the Labyrinth "so?" Startled by my sudden appearance Jareth stepped away before rolling his eyes at my lack of interest "well it means that you, my darling have to take me to the beginning of the Labyrinth" quirking an eyebrow at Jareth's demand I smiled as I began to circle the Fae like a wild predator "Well Jareth...I don't really have to" slowing my pace I began to play with one of my many crystals "what do you mean?!?" he demanded.

"Jareth you see the deal we made didn't say a thing about getting you to the beginning of the Labyrinth" I stated, "how about we strike another deal?" Ohhh brave! But stupid...all deals come with a price, didn't he know that?! "What would you have to offer then?" I asked slightly interested in having the upper hand "in exchange of the lift back to the beginning, you will choose your fate at the end of the duel" he explained "well that's if you win" I stated, "trust me I will".

"Jareth you are no match for me, but no matter I will accept and to add a bonus, this time I shall accompany you through your task" with a snap of my fingers we both appeared on the entrance of the Labyrinth once more.

Jareth immediately began searching for the hidden gates, and for a man who only had a few hours to spare he was taking his time. Frustrated by him my rage peaked "just open the gate goddammit!!" I yelled, and unfortunately for me, the Labyrinth reacted to my words by blasting the doors open "ah its a good thing I brought you then!" Jareth grinned, the Labyrinth bended to her will, oh the trip ahead of him would be a lot easier now "shut up and keep walking" pushing forward we both entered the Labyrinth.
"So tell me, Roamer, do you have a name?" Jareth suddenly spoke up, curiosity laced his words as he glanced at the beauty beside him "as a matter of fact I do"  I answered before jumping over one of the large rocks and land as gracefully as possible "well what is it then?" he pressed on

Glancing back at him I chuckled evilly "well for that Jareth we must play a different game" shuffling with one of my crystals I heard him sigh in frustration "and how do you play?" Jareth grinned "be careful Jareth don't take more than you can chew" I warned.

Patting his shoulder I notice the gaping hole in the middle of the Labyrinth "WAIT!" Jareth pulled me back, rolling my eyes I stand at the edge with him facing me "Jareth have you learned nothing?" I teased taking a step backward I let my body fall into the abyss bellow me "nothing is what it seems"

"ROAMER!!" Jareth's voice echoed through my ears, his arms wrapping themselves around me we both fell to the water bellow us.

The sound of a voice echoed through my brain, I was surrounded by darkness "Juliette" Jareth... "Juliette" shaking my head against the stone cold floor I feel my body being shaken "Juliette wake up!"  a warm hand was pressed against my cheek, pleasurable sparks flew threw my body, I've never felt such a thing before...

"Jareth" I could barely speak, my throat was dry and patched "good your awake" and with that, his touch suddenly disappeared "Where are-trees, vines?" I spoke out loud "ah so this is what you call this place" Jareth taunted as he took a step forward "well now Juliette shall we keep going" Jareth offered.

Did he just say Juliette? My brain halted all actions "WAIT WHO TOLD YOU MY NAME!" springing to my feet I rapidly approached him "I asked you who told you my name!!!" gripping him by the throat I pushed him into the wall "you had it on your necklace, I saw it when you fainted" he shouted back, feeling foolish I quickly let him go "oh right, I'm sorry...Jareth that was very foolish of me" taking another step backward he takes one step forwards "yes indeed very foolish".

Tracing one of his fingers down my neck my body immediately shivered, my body reveled under his touch and it angered me. Gathering my wits a flying head came into view, this odd object was flying towards almost at lightning speed speeding  "watch your back" confused by my words his eyebrows scrunched up "OUCH!" He shouted as soon as it hit the back of his head.

Chuckling quite loudly I backed away from him "ah  you should have seen your fa-OUCH!" a different head also hit me "ha!" Jareth smirked, glaring at him I smiled evilly"what are you-OUCH!" looking sideways my eyes immediately widened at the gigantic hoard of flying heads coming our way.
These odd habitants of the labyrinth knew who I was, sadly they never really cared. For them the world held no worries, there fore the best was to deal with them was to "RUN!".

The Labyrinths RoamerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon