Lies? or truth?

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Sarah continues drawing arrows, and at one point comes to a dead end.
When she turns around to use her arrows to get back somewhere, she finds that someone has been changing them around.

"Someone has been changing my marks" She says in horror, "What a horrible place this is! It's not fair! She throws her lipstick to the ground in outrage.

"That's right," Someone calls to her, "It's not fair! But that's only half of it!" In the background there is a lot of laughter.

Sarah turns and sees two shields, one blue and one red, with men sticking their heads out the top, and two men sticking their heads out the bottom.

It was the blue upside down man that had spoken "This was a dead-end a minute ago." She says staring at the strange men.

"No, that's the dead end behind you!" Lower blue man says. The rest laugh with him at her. "It keeps changing!" She realizes, "What am I supposed to do?" "Well, the only way out of here is to try one of these doors." Lower red man says.

"One of them leads to the castle at the center of the labyrinth," Lower red says, "And the other one leads to Bum bum bum!" "Certain death!" He finishes. "Oooooooooooo!" All chuckle "which one is which?" She asks them.
"Er, we can't tell you." Says lower red "Why not?" She demands. "We don't know!" He tells her.

"But they do!" Lower blue says, pointing to the men on the upper side. Both men on the upper side peer out from over the shields they are holding to get a better look at her.

"Oh," She says, "Then I'll ask them." "Ah, no, you can't ask us," The upper red man says, "You can only ask one of us" The upper blue man nods his head in agreement. "It's in the rules. And I should warn you that one of us always tells the truth, and one of us always tells a lie" he finishes before the next one buys in "That's a real truth, he always lies" "I do not," The upper red men defends, "I always tell the truth!" "Oh, such a lie!" The upper blue accuses.

The other men below him laugh hysterically, and Sarah is tasked of figuring out which one is which.

She thinks about it for a moment, and then steps forward the the upper red man confidentially.

"Alright," She tells him, Answer yes or no. Would he tell me, that this door leads to that castle?" The man looks at him, ducks down to talk into his shield with the other men, and then pops up with a confused look. "Yes?" "Then, the other door leads to the castle, and this door leads to certain death!" She exclaims.

"How do you know, he could be telling the truth." The red man says. "But then you wouldn't be. So if you told me that he said yes, then I know that the answer is no."

She tells him. "But could be telling the truth." He points out. "But then he would be lying. So if you told me that he said yes, I know the answer" would still be no." She explains. "What a minute," the red man says turning to the blue man, "Is that right?" "I don't know!" He says, "I've never understood it!" All of them laugh at themselves, and Sarah looks at the door she wants to go through with a brave face and a smile.

"No, it's right, I figured it out," She says pushing the blue men aside so that she can open the door, "I could never do it before. I think I'm getting smarter! It's a piece of cake... AH!" She screams as she falls down a hold in the ground, being pulled down into a tube filled with thousands of green hands that reach out and grab her as she falls "Help!" She screams towards the opening from where she fell. "Stop it! Help!" The hands stop her fall and some of the hands come together to form hand eyes and a hand mouth to talk to her.

"What do you mean help, we are helping!" The one mouth says to her. "We're the helping hands!" Another made mouth tells her.

"You're hurting!" She cries "Would you like us to let go?" Another says, and then they all laugh as she is dropped further into the tunnel "No!" She scream, and they once again pull her to a stop "Well then, come on, which way?" One asks. "Which way?" She repeats uncertain.

"Up or down." Another clarifies. "Oh..." She says looking around "Come on, come on!" "We haven't got all day!" "Well it's a big decision for her!" "Which way do you want to go?" "Yes! Which way?" "Well," She says a little uncomfortably, "Since I'm pointed this way I guess I'll go down." "She chose down!" One yells. "She chose down?" Another mocks "Was I wrong?!" She cries as they all let go of her and she continues her decent down towards the end of the tunnel "Too late now!" They cry after her.

She falls through a thick mass of spider webs and lands on her knees in the center of a dark room.

Over head the hands close the only visible way in or out of the room. Shocked, Sarah dusts herself off and remains on her knees, looking around a little.

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