More dresses

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"Morning ladies!!" Tearing the curtains open I'm immediately greeted with the rage full shouts Oili, Valda and Alissa  "shut the damned curtain!" One of them shouted "nope" grinning I slowly began to lift my hands and with my magic so did their beds "Juliette!!" Valda screeched as she tried to hold the bed down "what's wrong Valda?" I asked innocently "please put the beds down!!" They spoke fearfully "I'm not doing anything" I smirked "it's not funny Juliette...PUT US DOWN!!!" Sighing in defeat I drop my hands a little too fast making the beds fall down even faster "breakfast is ready after that we will figure you're dressing for the ball" turning around I left the room, if I had stayed any longer my life would be at risk.

After breakfast all of them still seemed to be exhausted "so how is the life of the living treating you?" I asked teasingly, grunts followed my words "shut up" one of them shot "oh but you wanted to be human" I pointed out, it was a fact that none of them wanted to face. Being made of stone allowed them to roam freely without the need of sleep or any kind of nourishment "now, let's get going, after all, we must find your gowns!" I chucked smiling smugly at all of them I approached the same oak doors that lead to the dressing room.

Gathering gowns of all kinds, colours, styles and lengths in my hands I began to throw them at each girl randomly "Valda try this one" I ordered as I handed her a blue gown matching her new features "Oili you try this one" handing her a red gown she nodded and walked to the next dressing room " can wear" glancing around I tried to find the perfect dress "ah! how about this one" lifting the lavender gown up I saw Alissa's smile widen "oh it's gorgeous!!" taking the dress into her own hands she sprinted down the last dressing room.

Taking a seat on one of the many couches a jewel display caught my eye, standing up I began to walk towards it "oh my" gracing my hands over the glass case many jewels caught my eye almost immediately "Juliette what do you think?" Valda asked for she was the first one to emerge, turning my head towards her a smile of my own spreads upon my face

"Beautiful" I nodded her joy seemed to grow as she twirled "What about me?" Oili spoke up "yes you look beautiful too" I smirked "and me?" Alissa spoke up after Oili "yes you too!" rolling my eyes I began to chuckle "now this took a lot less time than it did with me" I stated, my arms crossed over my chest "That Juliette is because you are a lot more picky!"

Jareth spoke as he appeared into the room out of nowhere "me picky? I beg to differ" poking his chest with one finger he smirked widely "it was you who thought none of the dresses were good enough!!" poking him one last time he laughed loudly "well you shouldn't have listened to me" he smiled, not a grin but an actual smile "well you know the appropriate dressing for that kind of occasions" I stated and rolled my eyes.

Although I was preoccupied with Jareth I noticed Oili, Valda and Alissa had retreated into the dressing room ever since our bickering started "well that I do" he agreed, smiling in triumph "well now its settled then! next time don't be so damned picky!" slamming the dressing rooms doors with my magic I saw three fully dressed women standing awkwardly "change out of those gowns will you!!" slamming the doors close once more with my magic I heard quiet giggle follow.

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