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Throwing another crystal into the air I suddenly feel Jareth's breath on the back of my neck, I was startled by his actions, how he managed to sneak behind me was beyond me! "you seem to be quite talented with those" slipping his arms around my own he began to shuffle the crystal "try it like this" he began to move move my hands in a much more fluid motion than before "there" I felt him smile against my skin "seems like a pretty neat trick" I smirked back.

We now stood at the bog of stench, meaning that that was as far I got to accompany him, there was no way I would be trekking through that infernal lake "This is as far as I go" I stated "Oh and Jareth you have 3 hours left" walking away from him I morphed into the same black cat from the beginning before running back into the maze.

Jareth stared as in awe as I sprinted away, I knew he was impressed with my power but now I knew he was in total awe.

The journey back to my throne was a short one, without Jareth leading the way it was bound to be that way. Coming upon the majestic seat I let my body fall to into its surface.

The room was quiet and I liked it that way, being the sole ruler of such a great realm had begun to wear me down, I longed for the days of freedom from my early youth.
Letting myself get lost in my own thoughts I suddenly found my hands repeating the same trick Jareth taught me, at first my movements were clumsy but once I had caught the hang of it smile grew upon my face "Juliette!, Juliette!" Hoggle's despertare wails hit my ears as soon as he entered the room making me drop the crystal"what is it Hoggle?" I sighed as I cursed under my breath "It's Jareth he has made it to the end of the Labyrinth!!!" Leaping from my seat I took one of my crystals, immediately its surface reflected Jareth at the very end of the Labyrinth "Hoggle please get my cape" making the image disappear under my touch I began to fiddle with my necklace.
Transporting myself to the end of the Labyrinth I made sure Jareth was unable to see me, after all I was a sucker for dramatic entrances "Jareth I'm glad you made it, I was starting to worry" Jareth jumped to face me, a disgruntled look spread upon his face.
Waving him off I snapped my fingers and the clock that has been counting down his time appeared behind us "half an hour left impressive, now I believe we still have some business am I right?" quirking an eyebrow I threw my gloves away "I believe we do" he smirked back as he did the same preparing himself into a battle stance "Let's do this!!" and with a snap of my fingers we both stood in the arena, surrounded my millions of dwarfs, goblins and all matter of creatures.

"Goblins, Faeries and Dwarfs of the Underground her today on this very stadium we stand today to watch the fight between our beloved Roamer" the crowd cheered on "and Jareth prince of the High Kingdom" the booing at Jareth's name grew "with today's dwell we shall settle who will be our ruler" gasps and screams of protest echoed across the podium, all of them clearly unhappy with the situation "now let the match begin!!!" Hoggle announced.

Sparking lightning from the palms of my hands I launched it directly at Jareth missing him by the tip of his cloak, waiting for his counterattack Jareth threw a crystal ball at me. Catching it with ease I transformed it into one of mine and threw it back at him "crystals Jareth your magic is merely child's play"

Bringing my hands together I began to cast something bigger and more menacing than before "if you want my Labyrinth, you must fight harder for it" sparking fire into my own hands I transformed what were merely sparks into a beautiful dragon "think outside the box otherwise you will loose" stretching my arm out the dragon shot towards Jareth, it's deadly jaws longing for my opponents death.

I expected him to produce a shield body but instead water rises covering him from head to toe. The dragon was virtually unable to attack "and that's what I was talking about!!!" grinning evilly we begin our deadly dance for the kingdom.

"Juliette!!!" I heard Hoggle shout...but it was too late now two fireballs have tied down my hands and ankles "you loose" Jareth spoke confidently sounding almost glad. His eyes showed a different story, for her it seemed like he didn't want the throne, well he did not want to take it from her.

Letting his eyes flutter shut Jareth gained his composure before he turned to speak "from this day forward you must leave the palace and live within whatever enclosure of the that Labyrinth I choose" his eyes laced with sadness and regret as he uttered those words. He did not want to lock you in "you are forbidden to enter the kingdom's land and if you do you will me executed on sight" picking myself off the ground I nod my head, looking back at the crowd they all had grim looks on their faces some wailed and the others looked down "Well then if that's what your highness orders" bowing my head I left the area.

"Juliette!" I heard Hoggle call after me, his feet shuffling as he tried to catch up "yes Hoggle?" I kneeled down a sad smile on my face "please don't leave us Juliette" he begged pulling at the edge of my cloak "Hoggle I must leave now, a deal is a deal, now stay safe" kissing the top of his head I morph my body into a black lion before sprinting one of the Labyrinths paths.

Jareth's POV

Months had gone by and the castle's walls had grown quiet, too quiet for my liking. I was an unwanted ruler, every one of my subjects has been mourning Juliette's exile, more than half of the Goblin Kingdom has gone to visit her but failed to penetrate the labyrinth, there was a magic that stopped them, my magic "your majesty there's a dwarf at the door" I believe his name was Leefront. Turning my attention towards him I nodded my head, I had no care for this dwarfs name, I just wanted for the interaction to be over.

A small dwarf entered the room, his stubby legs barely allowed him to move "your highness my name is Hoggle" as soon as he stated his name his voice became background noise to me. Hoggle? where have I heard that name "Juliette" I barely whispered.

He was friends with the woman whose absence has affected half of the kingdom, even including myself "get out!" I ordered "transport him to the entrance of the Labyrinth tell him that he can only come until he as killed one hundred pixies" I ordered before taking out one of my many crystals and storming out the throne room.

I had nowhere to go, wherever I went people either begged for answers or for the return of their previous ruler. All of it was simply exhausting. Letting a hand run through my hair and idea suddenly sprung into my mind, the labyrinth! Of course, that was the only place where no one would seek answers.

I wondered through the Labyrinths walls for what seemed like hours, the air was purer than in the rest of the Kingdom. I did not know where I was headed, all I knew is that I did not want to head back to my castle.

The place I had stumbled upon was beautiful the grass was magically green and the willow tree before me had beautiful purple flowers on its branches, everything was magnificent, but what took my breath away was her....Juliette her wild green eyes seemed to glow more than the last time he saw her, her hair flowed into the air with beautiful grace "Juliette" I whispered as she disappeared behind the willow tree a playful smirk upon her face, smirking back I quickly chased after her "you can't catch me!" she whispered softly but just as I had caught her in my embrace she fell dead.

The ground was no longer beautifully green, it became stone and there we stood again, in the podium with her dead in my arms "Julliette..." I whispered softly and just like that she was gone.

Sitting up from the terrible dream I gasped for air, looking out the window I noticed the sun was barely beginning to rise "I have to go to her..."

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