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A.N. This is the 4th sequel for the Alex Saviyer series. I hope you guys loved the previous events because now there is a whole new adventure waiting ahead for both you and Alex. Hold on tight to your seats, the ride is about to get bumpy. Check out the picture to the left and amazing trailer done by @Citrus17 >>>>> Now let this final epic adventure begin…


“What do you want Alex?” some guy’s voice sent me jumping 10 feet.

“What the hell are you doing here? I’m, I’m, I’m taking a bath!”

“When you think of me, I pop up. How many times should I tell you?” A blue eyed guy with a shadowy face said as he stepped closer towards me.

With every step he took I went one back till I hit the sink and his body was leaning over mine.

“Now tell me Alex, why are you thinking of me in the bathroom?” He smirked and leaned closer to my face.

Our lips were inches away and all I wanted was to kiss them. I wondered how they’d taste.

What the fuck Alex! Snap out of it. I mentally slapped myself back to reality. I was facing a gigantic, blue eyed, hot man; not to mention, wearing nothing but a towel.

“Well?” I felt his breath brushing my cheeks sending tingles all over my body.

“I wasn’t thinking about you! I was just wondering where you were when I called you before.” I lied and pushed him out of my way.

“Right, I believe you.” His smirk grew bigger.

“Just get out and let me wear. I’ll meet you in a minute.” I said as I started to drag him out the bathroom.

“It’s okay to admit I turn you on. I am after all an incredibly sexy man.”

“A modest one too” I grinned as I shut the door in his face.

Who was I kidding? He did turn me on, and make feel stuff I never thought existed. I was always attracted towards him ever since he made me feel an electric shot whenever we touched. I’d literally feel my entire body on fire. Damn you hormones. I was gonna take a hold of myself before I said something stupid.

Instead of thinking how hot he was, how about you find something to wear? My mind loved to be sarcastic.

My eyes flew wide open as I wiped the sweat out of my face. It was still dark outside. Who was that guy in my dream anyways? It felt so real, why do I feel like I knew him before.

I sat up in bed and found the very same blue eyes looking at me. My heart skipped a beat as I gasped for air. I rubbed my eyes but when I opened them again; the blue eyes were gone.

I must be hallucinating. I brushed what I just saw out of my head and went back to sleep.


A.N. Who is that guy she’s dreaming about :O I bet you guys know; anyways I decided to make the 4th part of the book chapters to be able to dedicate all my talented friends (who btw have amazing writings) who loved this series.


                                                  Maro B.H.

The Last Day (book 4)Where stories live. Discover now