Chapter 7

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Chapter 7:

~In Hell~  

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH" I screamed in agony.

The pain was endurable. My blood was boiling inside out. My flesh was burning.

"It hurts doesn't it?" Adam said as he continued to pour holly water on me.

Liz and Eric were yelling stop but their screams were met with a whip. Eric protected Liz with his body but fell unconscious from the pain. Liz couldn't bear anymore and was unconscious after Sam injected something in her.

"Don't worry, that's just demon blood. It makes anyone fall asleep; probably like cinderella or was it the sleeping beauty?." Adam said ever so casually.

"I'm... Gonna... Kill... You..."I hissed.

And honestly, he was talking aboyt those two movies? I mean I love cartoons and all but Hell ain't the mansion those two lived in. And besides they both had some prince charming waiting and I had a green eyed gorilla named Adam.

"I'd love to see you try. Without your powers, you are nothing but a pathetic excuse for a life." Adam spat in my face.

I was too weak to even be able to keep eye contact for two seconds. My entire body felt as if I was on fire.

"And well, the Devil should be happy." Sam said as he sat in Adam's seat.

I saw Adam leave with some weird expression on his face. What was I missing? I was close to losing conscious until Sam splashed holly water in my face burning it.

"I'm talking, that's rude." He said as he held my face in his hand.

 "You bastard, let me go."

"Oh I forgot; girls on their periods have intense feelings. More like blood thirst-cannibals."

"What do you mean?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I know blood when I smell it, and your dress is white." Sam said pointing at my dress.

It was white with no blood stains; but the pain down there was killing me. Oh my God, I was having my period. Now from all the times it decided to come back? Why now, why not eight month ago? It had the number one timing, my period should win an award.

"Don't worry, you are wearing a pad."

"How the hell-"

"It wasn't me who placed it. It was Adam."

The pain was becoming unbearable from all sides. I just wanted out. That was when I felt a needle entering my arm's vein.

"Shhhh baby girl, I just want a little blood." Sam said as he practically drained me clean. So much for his little blood.


~On Casus~

“John are you alright?” Rachel was trying to wake him up.

“His face is turning yellow.” William said as he brought a wet napkin and placed it on John’s forehead. “And he is burning hot.”

“The yellowness of his face is due to severe blood loss. But he isn’t losing any; that means Alex is.”

“What the hell are they doing to her?”

“Well let’s see; they are taking her blood, burning her flesh, boiling her blood. My guess, that’s Adam’s work. Ex's can be crazy.” Luke said as he placed his hand on John’s forehead. “I’ll try and ease the pain for John; hopefully it would affect Alex to.”

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