Chapter 11

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Chapter 11:(Vote & Comment!)

“Guys, there is something you should know about Casus and Earth.” We all sat down straight and waited for what was yet to come. "They are the same planet."

Okay what did I just hear? Casus and Earth were one. John then explained everything to us. About them being something like the sisters for the Mayans, some portal, hiding, and that they were winning.

"Bottom line is, you just need my help as usual, am I right?"      

"Well yes we do. Alex, your power can help us. It can also help Rachel and Will's girl survive." John answered me back coldly.

What was up with that attitude?


"She needs your blood to live."

Just when I thought stuff weren't about to get worse; they turned disastrous.

"Also Liz's baby needs your blood." Bridget interrupted my thoughts.

"What did you just say?" My voice was a bit too vulgar.

"She needs your blood, Alex. I must warn you though; Liz might not survive the birth process."

"What did you just say?" Eric roared as he stood up. "If I had to choose between Liz and the kid, I'd choose Liz in a heartbeat!"

"Eric, it's okay." Liz said as she held his hand. "Our baby must survive."

"I will not loose you Liz." He sat back down beside her and their foreheads touched.

"You said my powers can give life and take it right?" I addressed John in an emotionless tone surprising him.

"Yeah, that was what Eva said. But then you'd have to exhaust yourself and trigger your dark magic."

"Then I'll trigger it. I'll save Liz no matter what. I lost her once; I'm not loosing her again."

"No you won't." John said as he took me by the hand to make me look at him.

"You have no saying in this. And don't touch me." I said as I removed my hand from his. "I'll do whatever I want."

I got up and helped Liz inside. Her belly was big enough to confuse her to a 9 month pregnant woman. John was still standing in his place shocked. His eyes seemed hurt, but I didn't believe it.


"What did you do now smart ass?" Eric asked John once Alex and Liz were out of sight.

"I made her mad, and she believes I am still in love with Bridget. I kinda yelled at her."

"That's what you get for erasing her memory of you. Why did you yell at her?"

"It's better this way Eric. She hating me is better than her loving me."

"But you both are hurt. You love her John, stop pushing her away." Eric said as he entered.

"He's right." Bridget said. "You love her; she has constant dreams about you. I might have been your first love, but it's obvious who your last is."

She held Steven's hand and they both went inside. Jason just sat there looking at John.

"I won't say anything; but if you hurt her, I won't hesitate by ripping your heart out."

"It's already ripped out." John said as he walked away.


"I can't believe that ass whole!" I was yelling in the room. "And I can't believe I actually had a thing for him."

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