Chapter 9

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Chapter 9: (Don't forget to vote!)

~On Casus~

“That is not possible, it was destroyed. I mean we were there!” Luke explained.

“I know but I’m sure that’s where they are. I mean John and I knew this together.” Rachel said.

“But Earth was blown to pieces after the explosion, how it could possibly be where they are now.” William said eyes wide open.

“After the explosion, all means and ways to go back to Earth were destroyed. As far as Heaven knows it is little tiny particles. The sun exploded; there is no chance it has survived.” John was scratching his head.

“This is crazy; they can’t possibly be on planet Earth. It survived all that? What is it some super planet?” Luke said.

“We can sit here and debate whether or not Earth survived or we can find a way to go there. In a different conflict, my baby is dying.” Rachel yelled. “I have no idea what she needs.”

“Hey, honey; don’t worry; she’s fine. We’ll help her.” Will said as he hugged her.

“This is becoming more and more bizarre.”

“You don’t say John. Well Lucifer seems to know what the hell is going on.”

“Well Luke, that’s the advantage of being like a gazillion years old.” John said in a Duh-tone.

“You disappear for a little while and you come back to find out that the kids are in a big mess.” A new womanly voice said.

All looked in its way and were bewildered.

“Mom…” William said baffled.

“I’ve missed you too kiddo.” Jonan said as she hugged her son.

“This shit is becoming more absurd than ever.” Luke said still trying to comprehend what the hell just happened.


~On Earth~

“Oh my god you are right. This is the street we grew up on.” I said muddled.

“We are on Earth, but how the hell is that even possible?” Liz was dazed.

“I don’t know; but we are in our home town.” Eric said.

This was hard to process. Earth survived the apocalypse? How the hell did the

Devil send us here? I mean what was going on. The questions started to increase.

“Maybe I can explain.” A guy’s voice said behind us.

We turned around to meet a huge blue eyed guy with black hair. He was masculine, packs, biceps, triceps, the whole 9 yards. The only thing blocking my way was his shirt, I should probably stop imagining every guy I meet shirtless.

“Steven Bersian, nice to meet you.”

“Alex Saviyer, that’s Liz Fonty, and he’s Eric Ames.” I shook with hands with him.

“Saviyer? As in the daughter of Jason and Jonan?”

“Yeah, you know them?”

“Yeah of course I do. I’m a demon banned from hell. Your father was my trainer. He’s my role model!”

“You knew my dad?” I could honestly  feel my smile reached the back of my ears.

“Yeah, he was the number one trainer. He was really strict and any weak demon couldn’t bear one minute with him.”

“No wonder Will is like that. Why were you banned here anyways?”

“Long story, I’ll tell you later. Anyways, I think you should meet someone.”

“Alex…” A familiar virile voice said.

I turned around to meet the very same hazel-green eyes I had.


~On Casus~

“Mom, what are you doing here?”

“I managed to escape from Jensen’s hold on me. Eva Pondria helped me.”

She pointed at the same palm reader John and the Devil met; the one that was used to know whether or not the person was good or not. She still looked creepy.

“He has kept us in hold for so long. After the apocalypse, he never allowed me to see the sun of day.”

“I’m so glad you’re okay mom!”

“I know what my granddaughter needs. Eva told me.”

Eva was still quite, processing the surroundings. “The war has killed many. It seems to me the Devil and the Attpads are winning.” Her voice finally spoke.

“Okay one by one, Eva; what did you mean? And Jonan what does the kid need?” Luke said as he crossed his arms.

“You might be sitting here and thinking how to find Alex but the Bigfoots outside are dying. The Attpads are stronger than before. Besides, haven’t you learned the truth about Casus yet?” She smirked.

“What truth?” Rachel asked. “And what does my daughter need?”

“You’re daughter needs Alex’s blood. It is what will help her survive. But to fulfill her destiny she needs another child.” Eva said. “Also; the Attpads are humans; at least they were before they went through those malfunctions.”

“What do you mean?” John now participated in the chat. “And how does baby Jonan need Alex’s blood.”

“Alex’s blood has the ultimate powers all combined. Even after you managed to stop it for a while it will find its way back, power that big can never be buried for long. It can save a life and take it.”

All stood bewildered. This new information was hard to accept.

“What about the Attpads?” John asked trying to avoid the topic.

“They are the sisters of the Mayans. Their history has been lost over the ages. They never wanted anyone to know truly who they were. The last man who was close to figuring out they existed died mysteriously. They have secrets like many other long lost civilizations. As you can see they have powers to change their appearance, control their surroundings, and slow things up. Not to mention they have helpers now.”

Eva captured all their attentions within seconds.

“And how can we stop these naked nose-less things?” Luke asked.

“Well that’s the trick; the final piece of the puzzle, we have to know how they came here.” Eva smirked. “The truth behind Casus and Earth.”


A.N. Who could that guy possibly be? And I bet no one saw this coming XD Though you have guessed it!

Dedicated to @terrelljohnson288 for being a great reader, check his story it. is. Epic.

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