Chapter 14:

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Chapter 14:(Vote & Comment!)

“I’m done playing nice Lucifer! Take her powers now.” Aniokh said.

“I was just having fun. You gotta take a beat my friend.” Lucifer said as he took off his shirt revealing his packs. “I need to catch my breath.”

“Well catch them later. I want to end this war! I see dead bodies all around me; my own men dying.”

“Does my face show you that I care?” Lucifer rolled his eyes as he said that. “I’ll take her powers in a minute. Just let me enjoy watching her suffer.”

I could barely hear John’s screams; I could barely hear anything. I felt some shadow above. I opened my eyes for a second and saw the Devil lurking over me.

“You could have went the easy way and allied with us.” He hissed. “But you choose the hard way. Now you will die. Your soul will be with your powers as I take them.”

He turned me to my back. All my body was covered with my blood. I had cuts everywhere. My nose, eyes, mouth, even my ears had bleed out. I opened my eyes again but winced at the pain. My body was not answering my commands.

“Are you ready love?”

“Go fuck yourself.” I said in a whisper.

“Fighter, I like that in a girl.” Aniokh said.

“Ego surripiam hanc potestatem, ténebræ et bonum, Utor hac potestate, ad quod mihi utile” “Ego surripiam hanc potestatem, ténebræ et bonum, Utor hac potestate, ad quod mihi utile” “Ego surripiam hanc potestatem, ténebræ et bonum, Utor hac potestate, ad quod mihi utile” (I steal this power, dark and good, I use this power, to my own good) Lucifer began to chant.

“Fight it.” John’s voice echoed in my head.

I couldn’t move as I felt something being ripped out of me. I could see my blue and black orbit circulating me and growing with every second. The flame in my eyes became brighter than ever. I guess that was the feeling of dying.

“Stay with me Alex, stay with me.” I felt a hand on my forehead.

I opened my eyes a little to see John carrying me in his lap. I managed a smile as I felt my lips crack. It was as if I was drained out of water. His hand touched my cheek and he leaned; our foreheads touching.

“Don’t die on me.” He whispered.

“Stop… stop him before.” I took a breath. “It’s… too damn… late.” I coughed out blood.

“I will not allow your death. Alex come on; you can’t leave me; not now.” He raised my head and buried it in his chest.

“I’ll be… fine…” I grit my teeth as the pain grew.

“How did you know I watched Desperate Housewives?” He said trying to ease my pain.

“A hunch?” I laughed a little.

Why did this feel familiar? Even with the pain; I almost felt like I was threw this pain with John before. I closed my eyes and allowed the pain to grow.

“Alex, I have to do something, but first I just have to say this.”


“Alex, I, I, lo-” I interrupted his sentence by kissing him full on the lips.

He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to his bare chest. My hands found their way to the back of his head as I pulled him closer.

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