Chapter 3

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~In Hell~ 

"You have failed me again Adam, I hope you have something interesting for me."  

Lucifer’s voice exploded in the room making Adam flinch. 

"Sir there was a reason behind my failures."  

Adam's face was looking everywhere not daring to glance at Lucifer. He was burning with fury and anger. 

"It's been 8 months and I see no results. I tried being a gentleman and sent you instead of Sam, don't make me regret it." 

"But sir, how can I make her pregnant when she isn’t even having her period!"  

Adam was trying to reason as he raised his hand frustrated. 

"I do not care. I want a child from Alex with demon blood. That was the loophole, which was the only reason why I gave you access on Casus and not anyone else." 

From Lucifer's tone you could tell he was burning with anger. 

"Sir, her period stopped the minute John erased her memory."  

A new voice joined the group. Sam stood strong and confident as he talked. 

"Now that's what I want in a demon. Jason has taught you well."  

Lucifer then turned and faced the two men ahead of him. He was intimidating and fear was seen in both their eyes. 

"Lucky us; Liz is pregnant. The minute her child is born I want you two to kill the father. Sam you are going to watch them. Adam, what was the good news you were dying to tell me." You could tell the sarcasm in his tone. 

"They know I am a demon and that I was betraying them -" 

"That is not good news you baboon!" Lucifer interrupted. 

It was clear he was trying to control his anger. Sam was trying his best to leave the room before Lucifer lost control and both men had to pay the price. As he was slowly backing up Lucifer shot him a death look. Sam froze instantly. 

"That wasn't the good news! The good news is that I think I found us a loophole." 

"I'm all ears."  Lucifer crossed his arms and leaned on the desk behind him clearly being more pissed than pleased. 

"Casus has a history, old creatures ruled it before. They might want revenge." 

By that Adam told both men about the history of Casus earning a smile from Lucifer. 

"Well done, I'm proud of you." Lucifer said as he patted Adam on the head. "Now go back and find me those creatures." 

"Yes sir." Adam said then vanished. 

"Now back to you Sam. I need you to keep a keen eye on the two prisoners." 

Lucifer ushered Sam to a hidden door behind the painting of Monaliza. The two went inside a big dark room. Ahead of them was the silhouette of two weak people. Liz and Eric were tied up to chairs and looking weak. Sweat was dripping of them, and they barely could speak. Eric was unconscious and Liz was in and out of conscious. 

"I tied them up with Asclepias tuberosa. It is a species of milkweed used against angels. It burns their flesh. The rest is up to you." Lucifer added as he headed out. "One more thing, do not touch Liz. I might be known for being mischievous but a woman must never be touched; especially if she is pregnant. So please, Sam I beg you, control your hormones." 

"The devil has morals? I'm shocked." Sam placed his hand on his heart faking shock. 

"I can tolerate a certain amount of stupidity Sam." Lucifer walked his way placing his hands on Sam's shoulders. "Never cross that line Sammy." He patted Sam's shoulders making Sam flinch with pain. "Comprendo?" 

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