Chapter 5

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Chapter 5:

~On Casus~

“Luke, you startled me.” I said as I gasped for air.

“Have you grown a second head or what exactly?” He said pointing to my face.

“What is on my face?!”

“I don’t know, come here.”

He took my hand and wiped the dead bug of my cheek. That was why the two were laughing.

“So, what’s up with those two?” He asked pointing at the two men watching the bush like there was no tomorrow.

“I don’t know. Sam came and chanted some spell on the two. Now, they are acting like five year olds.”

“Ohh, give me a second.”

He walked over to the two and placed a hand on each of their foreheads. He muttered a few words and some light was exchanged between all three. It was quite the bizarre thing to watch.

“There all fixed.” He said as he wiped his hands. “The two five year olds are all mature again. Praise the lord.”

The two were whining and shaking their heads.

“What the hell happened?” Will asked.

“What’s going on?” John whined.

“Welcome back princesses. You’ve been watching the bush like it is some naked top model; or Madonna. Both work.” He helped the two stand up. “In complete different news, we need to find the loophole Lucifer used.”

“Welcome back guys.” I told them. “If only I videotaped you two whining and watching the bush.”

“Let’s keep it to ourselves shall we?” Will said earning a nod from John.

“Walk.” I ordered all three men.

I was babysitting two men; I didn’t need to babysit three. We walked for a while in the never ending forest. The trees were all huge and pure green. It was as if we were in the Amazon. The exotic plants and flowers were everywhere. We kept walking for a while till we heard some explosion and everything turned to a blur.

John directly ran and pinned me to some tree protecting me with his body. Will and Luke were searching for the reason. Dust was everywhere. What the hell was going on?

“When I say run, you run. Okay?”

“John, I’m the most powerful one here, it’s you who should run.”

“She’s right man! Come on Alex lead the way.” Luke said as he pulled me in front of him.

“Really; you’re literally hiding behind my baby sister?”

“Well, I’m too young to die; again.”

I rolled my eyes. Typical boyish act, they could never admit that a girl could be more powerful. I left the three arguing who should lead and who should follow and stormed towards the explosion.

I kept walking till I reached a cliff. Where the hell was that explosion? I looked below me to find an immense field with many bodies on the ground. Dust was everywhere. I could see minni things running hysterically below.

“Alex, where did you go?” William said nearly out of breath.

The two guys reached after him breathing heavily.

“We should go baby girl.” He held my hand and we ran into the forest.

John and Luke were clearly ahead of us but it looked like they were guided by something. I jumped up and down and saw nothing.

The Last Day (book 4)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant