Chapter 10

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Chapter 10: (Vote and comment!)

~On Earth~

“Dad, what the hell are you doing here?” I said after I hugged him for a mere of five minutes.

“Lucifer banned me here with Steven. I stood up for Steven when he wanted to kill him; and somehow we ended up here.”

“What the hell did you guys do?” Eric said.

“We’ll talk now. Let me take you to a safe place first. Probably some fresh clothes and food, pizza; I know it’s your favorite.” My dad flashed me a huge smile placing his arm around my shoulders.

All five of us walked into some old abandon house. There were no lights no nothing. It was dark outside, but the night sky was clear with all the stars shimmering. I lit the way with my hands.

“Where can I find the electric box or whatever?” I asked.

I couldn’t bare sitting without electricity for a long while. I might actually die. My dad laughed and pointed to the basement. I walked there and found the damn box.

“There you are. Let’s light this place up.”

I placed my hands on the black things, I never knew their name. I allowed the electricity to flow from me to the box. Suddenly the entire house flickered and light burst out. Finally, electricity was there.

I went back up and found all the gang turning every light on.

“Your welcomed guys.” I smiled.

“We can finally take hot baths without waiting for the water to boil under the sun.” Steven said as he raised his hands in a success pose. “I placed clean clothes for you upstairs.”

Liz, Eric, and I walked up and found on the bed two big red hoodies with shorts. And one shirt with pants, clearly for a guy. Where the hell did he have girl’s clothes?

For our luck the house was huge and had like five bathrooms. Each one of us ran to take a bath. Finally I was clean. My hair’s smell was delicious again. Where did they get the shampoos?

“Finally, you’re done.”

My dad was sitting on the bed waiting for me to get out.

“I’m a girl; what did you expect.” I sat next to him as he caressed my hair.

“How’s your mother?”

“I don’t know. I haven’t seen her in ages.”

“Isn’t she in Heaven?”

“Not that I know; but I don’t think so.”

If he didn’t know where mom was and neither did I, where was she? My dad looked away and was deep in thought.

“Come on, the food is ready.” Steven said as he dragged my dad and me out of the room. “We are gonna eat outside next to the fire.”

He seemed excited for a simple dinner by the fire. I on the other hand was starving.

“I cooked.” A girl’s voice said from behind us.

I turned around to meet a gorgeous girl with blue eyes and black hair. She was wearing a blue minni dress. She was the kind of girl that everyone wanted.

“I’m Bridget, Bridget Attle Sian.”

She raised her hand for me to shake. The name was familiar.

“Alex Saviyer.”

“Liz Fonty”

“Eric Ames.”

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