Chapter 15

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Chapter 15:(Vote & Comment!)

“She can’t be gone.” Will said as he sobbed.

He had just his sister; the only thing on his mind was revenge. John sat there staring at nothing in particular. His tears finally found their way out of his eye and down his cheek. They ended up on Alex’s forehead.

“She’s gone.” John said. “A huge part in me just died.”

Will got up and marched towards Lucifer punching the hell out of him.

“How dare you boy?” Lucifer said as he got up.

He clenched his fingers and Will on his knees gasping for air. Rachel regained her conscious and ran to help Will.

“You have what you want! Leave us alone!” She barked at him as she tried to help Will breath.

 “I won’t stop till I have everything wrapped around my finger love.”

“Jonan, Drew… JONAN, DREW WHERE ARE YOU?!” Liz was yelling out the kids’ names.

Eva had just stood there watching everything and everyone die. When she heard Liz’s cries she smirked. She turned her head towards a dead Alex and stared.

“What are you looking at?” Luke said as he gasped for air.

He was bleeding vigorously and lost a lot of blood. He struggled to keep himself from falling.

“You’ll see; the ones are finally walking the Earth.”

“The ones? I think Earth is about to be doomed.” Luke said as he raised an eyebrow. “Again”

“The girl still needs one thing.” Eva said as she carried a knife and walked towards Alex.

“Are you crazy?” Luke said as he fell trying to catch up.

John was still frozen in his spot where Alex laid in his lap. Eva came towards him and placed a finger on his forehead pushing him gently backwards.

He fell on his back, barley blinking.

“What did you do to him?” An explosion interrupted Luke. “Is he dead?”

“He’s not dead. The girl he watched over died; therefore, a part of him died too. He’ll be back to normal in a few minutes; until his body adjusts with the new situation.”

“What?” Luke asked confused. “The link did this?”

“Yes.” Eva said as she cut the wrist of Alex allowing the blood to drip in her bottle.

“What are you doing you crazy lady?”

“Saving the day.”

She had glanced the two kids walking her way. Baby Jonan’s face was pale. Eva took her by the hand and handed her the bottle. She hissed a couple of Latin words.

“Cum hoc sanguine, salvum me puero hoc, cum hoc sanguine, Ego salvificem mundum” “Cum hoc sanguine, salvum me puero hoc, cum hoc sanguine, Ego salvificem mundum” “Cum hoc sanguine, salvum me puero hoc, cum hoc sanguine, Ego salvificem mundum” (with this blood, save me this child, with this blood, I will save the world)

The little girl then drank the blood as a red light surrounded her. Her left eye now had a flame in it. Drew walked closer and held baby Jonan’s hand. His right eye had a flame too.

“What the hell happened?” Luke said. “Are they like the new Adam and Eve?”

Eva smirked. “No.” She looked at Luke. “They can now control life and death.” She grinned.

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