•Chapter 3•

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I was shaken awake, violently.
"Claire! Wake up!" I kicked my leg out, hitting whoever dared to wake me. I was not a morning person, I'm practically the queen of not morning people. I heard a groan and a thump.
"Shit, really Claire." A strained voice said. I opened one eye, looking at whoever had found me. When I finally was able to process what had happened, I started laughing like a dying hyena. Alec was on the floor, his hand holding onto his weak spot. I finally got up and stepped over Alec who's hand shot out and tripped me. I let out a shriek heading straight for a chair, before someone yanked me to the side and I landed on someone. Now this wouldn't have been a problem, if I hadn't landed with my boobs on his face. My eyes widened considerably and I pushed my upper half of my body up. Alec was frozen and I took this shock to sit up fully, straddling him, and shove my hands over his mouth. I looked him straight in the eye.
"You tell anyone about what just happened and I will end you." I threatened. He nodded before taking my hands and taking them off of his face.
"Yeah, you might want to change." Alec said looking my up and down before sitting up. I gasped holding onto him like a koala so I wouldn't fall backwards. He chuckled before standing up slowly, careful not to drop me. He wrapped his arms around me, one under my butt the other holding onto my back. I rested my head on his shoulder, my eyes closed.
"The mundane woke up." I reared my head back, cocking it to the side as I looked at Alec.
"What mundane?"
"How long have you been sleeping Claire?" I looked at him like he was stupid.
"Since I snuck off after Izzy and I got back."
"That was two days ago." I let out a laugh, plopping my head back on his shoulder.
"Oh god, I must have been really wasted then." Alec chuckled and I felt myself slip.
"Alec! I swear to go if you drop me!"
"Don't worry, I got you. Besides we're almost there anyways." I smiled, shaking my head slightly.
"This mundane shouldn't even be here." Alec said, butting in on Izzy and some girls conversation. I was abruptly dropped, my ass hitting the floor and Alec's feet. I gasped, the leather skirt ripping at the harsh impact.
"Alec!" Both Izzy and I yelled. I stood up, catching him roll his eyes. Anger coursed through the my veins as I slapped him across the face and ran out of the room. That jackass, he's so infuriating. Not to mention he has major mood swings, I can't believe I even find him attractive. Wait, what? I don't find him attractive, I can't.

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