•Chapter 22•

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I slammed my fist into the punching bag, throwing my emotions into the punch.
"Claire..." Jace drew me from my training. I turned to him expressionless.
"Yeah?" I asked, taking a long drink from my water bottle before setting it back down on the floor. He came closer, looking around before talking lowly.
"Clary, Simon, and I are going to speak to Raphael. We think he can help us with Meliorn." Jace said, confusing me a bit.
"Okay? And you needed to tell me this for what reason?" I asked slightly annoyed.
"Clary wants you to come with us, she thinks that you'll be able to convince Raphael to help us." I let out a laugh before seeing that he wasn't joking.
"Look, I'm not in the best predicament right now. I don't know if that's the best idea, you know how easily angered I get Jace." I reminded him, biting my lower lip lightly. Jace rolled his eyes, trying to be secretive about it.
"Yeah, I meant that Clary won't go without you." He said sheepishly. I scoffed, rolling my eyes and punching the bag again.
"Well, tell her to get over herself." I mumbled, twisting around and roundhouse kicking the bag. Jace rolled his eyes but stairs silent as I unwrapped my hands and walked past him. He followed behind me, like some kind of puppy.
"Whatever, I'll meet you in the back of the institute in an hour." I gave in, knowing that a silent Jace was a soon-to-be annoying Jace. He smirked in victory, quickly leaving. I rolled my eyes with a small smile on my face and went back to my room to change out of my workout clothes. I took a ten minute shower, towel drying my hair before blow drying it. I threw it into a ponytail and pulled on a black dress that hugged my features and ended mid-thigh. I then slipped on a pair of knee high leather high heel boots to complete the look.
I met the group just as I said, and they instantly told me the plan before we were off and heading to Hotel DuMort.

I stood with Clary and Simon, rolling my eyes at Raphael as he pulled down a gate and locked it.
"So this," I gestured to the cage, "is your idea of protection?"
"It keeps you away from my people, and my people away from you." He said. I rolled my eyes and mocked him.
"It keeps my people from you blah blah blah." I mumbled childishly. He rolled his eyes at me.
"Give a shout when you're hungry." Raphael said. "Of course you do have a pretty decent snack right here, no? Oh silly me, I forgot you two are such great friends." I snickered, knowing that the two were in a rut at the moment.
"Or has that changed?" Raphael singled before walking away. I slid down a wall, taking a pillow from a chair and laying my head on it before dozing off.
I was shaken awake by Clary. I let out a groan before standing up and following out of the now unbarricaded room.
"It appears the calvary have arrived." Raphael said. "You'll want to use the back stairs." He informed before leaving us. We all walked out of the room, avoiding any vampires and walked out of the back way. Luke and Jace and Izzy were there waiting for us.
"Hey." Like said, talking to Clary.
"Hey. Thank god you're okay."
"So this is your Sade hideout huh?" Luke asked, obviously displeased with the location.
"Well you think the clave was going to look here?" Jace said defensively.
"Can we please focus on the matter at hand? Unless no one here cares that the clave is planning on murdering Meliorn." Izzy said.
"What?" I asked, arresting Meliorn was one thing. But killing him? That's a whole other ballpark of shit.
"They think Meliorn has more information on Valentine and the attack than he's saying." Izzy explained.
"They're taking him to the silent brothers, aren't they?"
"Yeah." Izzy breathed out.
"We have to stop them!" Clary exclaimed.
"That's the plan, Clary." Jace said. "Rescue and recovery. We get him from the guards, in and out, no one gets hurt." I scoffed, how dumb was Jace.
"You want us to go up against the Silent Brothers and an elite Shadowhunter guard unit? Without any backup?" I asked slowly, trying to let what Jace said sink in.
"Pretty much sums it up, yeah."
"Is Alec coming?" Clary asked, as if we had a chance with him.
"No, not this time." Jace said sadly
"If they're doing this to seelies, no downworlder is safe." Izzy spoke.
"But we can't go in alone, not if we don't want to be detected." I told her, knowing that this plan wasn't well thought out.
"My pack will track the unit, create a distraction." Luke offered. Simon looked a bit downfallen.
"I'd suggest vampires but I doubt they'd be cooperative."
"As much as I hate to agree with Simon, vamps aren't exactly team players." Jace spoke. Clary casted a look at me and the others all followed her gaze. I let out a groan.
"No. Absolutely not, never in a million years." Clary made some face, a grimace caressing my features. "What ever that was, was terrifyingly hideous." She let out an annoyed sound.
"Fine, then let me talk to Raphael. I think I can persuade him." Jace, Simon, and Luke eventually gave into her and thirty minutes later we stood outside we Raphael.
"We're offering an alliance with the seelies." Clary said, her voice very strong willed.
"And the werewolves." Luke added, hoping to persuade the vampire.
"Why should we believe you? You killed our people, you violated our home." Raphael said, trying to maintain his front as the big bad vamp.
"You kidnapped a mundane, remembering?" I said in a slightly dark voice.
"That was me." Simon piped in.
"Look, you were just following Camille's orders. She violated the accords, you're a different kind of leader." Clary said, trying to convince Raphael of her cause. I sighed when I noticed his seemingly nonexistent cooperation.
"We're a new generation of shadowhunters, we believe everyone can be equal," I spoke up, my voice hard, "But the only way that we're going to defeat Valentine and ensure that the clave doesn't repeat past mistakes is if we work together." His expression softened and I internally smirked. I had him right were I wanted him.
"So, what do you say?" Clary asked hopefully.
"This decision requires a consensus."
"I vote yes." Simon popped back into the conversation.
"Well, well, well, baby's first words." Raphael taunted.
"Don't make me regret them." Simon muttered.
"If our newest member pledged his loyalty to his new leader and joins our clan we'll stand beside you."
"Simon is not a pawn." Clary stated outraged.
"No, I'm not," Simon said. I'm sensing a but in there soon. "But I accept your deal."
"Simon, what are you doing?" Clary asked desperately, wanting to know why her friend would do such thing.
"Whatever it takes to protect the downworld. It's my world now." Simon stated, my lips quirked for a split second.
"Then we're in." Raphael said, pledging his loyalty.

"This does not look like the City of Bones." Clary said as we approached the back entrance.
"That's because it's the downworlder entrance." I told her, bypassing her.
"The City of Bones has a service entrance." She muttered. "Perfect."
"I hope I have better luck here than I did last time," everyone looked at him with pity and confusion. "Just saying."
"Everyone knows what to do?" Jace asked. A course of yes's and nods followed.
"Text when you're in position." Izzy said before walking off with her group. Luke went to walk but was stopped by Raphael.
"Stay," when Luke stopped, he smugly spoke, "Good dog."
"Bite me."
"Roll over."
"Play dead." Simon seemed ecstatic at the wolfs comeback.
"Boom." He said, fist bumping with Luke before we all split up. I ignored the group, sensing a change in the energy of the City of Bones. I strayed from the group, making use of my shadowhunter abilities.
A few minutes later I was on top of an abandoned semi truck, my vision zeroing in on the one person who's solely responsible for my heartbreak. Groaning, I jumped down and landed next to Clary and Jace.
"What is he doing here?" I hissed.

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