•Chapter 19•

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I walked into the basement, wondering why Alec had told me to meet him there. However, when I saw what was waiting for me, it was probably best I didn't know earlier.
"What the actual fuck is going on! Why is a vampire in the institute! And why the hell is the mundane dead!" I screeched, hitting Alec repeatedly since he was close to the stairs. He flinched before finally grabbing my wrist to stop me.
"Hey! Calm down would you?" Jace said loudly, causing me to spin around to face him. I glared at him, going to slap him instead of Alec when I was pulled back. "People will be wondering what we found outside the perimeter." I scoffed at Jace.
"That should be the least of your worries." I hiss. My words were brushed off however.
"I'll go. I'll tell them we didn't find anything, no one will come down here." Alec said, letting me go. I grit my teeth, smiling sarcastically at Alec when he looked back at me before he continued up the stairs. When he was finally gone, the group drew towards the dead body of Simon. I poked him, making a face.
"So is he really dead...or what?" That earned a glare from Clary as she sobbed. Raphael made a cross, earning a weird glance from yours truly.
"I might be a vampire, but I was raised a good Catholic." He clarified, making me shrug. It explained it, I guess.
"The vampires breached the accords." Isabelle said sassily. "Killing Simon is grounds for war.
"The vampires were not behind this, just Camille. She attacked Simon on her own." Raphael defended himself.
"And how do we know your telling the truth?"
"I could have gotten rid of him, but instead I brought him here. I don't want trouble with the shadowhunters."
"Smart decision."
"I warned the mundane to stay away. But Camille have the mundane a taste of her blood, and like an addict, he came back wanting more." Raphael explained to us, causing me to throw a glance of pity at the dead body.
"The only reason Simon ever tasted Camille's blood is because of you." Clary said angry. "You kidnapped him! You dragged him to Hotel DuMort! You-You delivered him to Camille!" She yelled.
"I never meant for this to happen." Clary didn't listen though, just broke down like a typical mundane. She was less shadowhunter than she advertised.
"Simon. Simon, please come back, please!" She sobbed into him.
"There is another way." I said, reminding Raphael.
"A way to what?"
"A way to bring Simon back." I elaborated, after having a silent conversation with Raphael.
"You can do that? How?" Clary said emotionally. "How?"
"He's a fledgling." I said, walking closer to the vampire. "That's right, isn't it?" He nodded.
"It's a state of transition, your friend can be resurrected." I laughed at Clary's reaction.
"So I could have Simon back? Alive and breathing?"
"That's just it. He won't be alive or breathing." Jace said before I cut him off.
"He'll be something much better than alive and breathing. He'll be a vampire." I informed her, smirking at her downfallen expression.
"And not the sexed up, romantic kind. The ugly, bloodsucking, coffin-dwelling kind." Jace said aggressively. I smirked at his description.
"Well that's offensive."
"Coffin implies wooden box. We have caskets now. They're made of 14 karat gold." Jace clicked his tongue.
"My bad." Raphael looked out one of the windows.
"It's almost sunrise. Simon must be turned a vampire tonight or staked through the heart." Clary stood up, looking at Raphael.
"And if I do neither?" She questioned. I smiled widely, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and speaking happily.
"Why of course his soul will be trapped for eternity, sweetie." I smiled even more.
"You have until sunset to decide. The clocks ticking." Raphael told her. I laughed loudly, shaking my head.
"You're all a bunch of idiots. Come get me when your problem doesn't involve a mundane turned fledgling." I said rudely before waltzing back up the staircase.

I walked into the main part of the institute, catching a glimpse of a certain blonde that I haven't seen in years. I walked up behind her, noticing Alec and Max. My heels clicked loudly on the flooring, alerting the trio of my presence.
"Lydia Branwell, it's been awhile since I've last seen you." I said, standing next to her. She smiled brightly at me and laughed, hugging me tightly.
"Oh my god, it's been forever Claire!" She exclaimed excited.
"I've missed you so much, sister."
"I've missed you too, sis."

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