•Chapter 21•

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I grunted, blocking Hodge's attack before quickly slamming the staff into his left side. He wheezed, falling back before giving a counterattack. Quickly blocking it, I twirled around and skillfully knocked his staff out of his hand. He went to pick it up but stopped suddenly. I shared a look with Alec who was watching us spar. Walking closer to him, I furrowed my eyebrows. Something felt off, very off.
"Do you feel that?" I asked, my eyes darting around.
"Feel wh-" Alec was cut off by the wall opening and a forsaken emerging. I dropped my staff, replacing it with a katana from the table next to me. The forsaken came at me and swung its weapon, I brought my katana upwards and blocked the blow. I pushed its weapon to the side and swung the katana once more, blocking another hit. The two weapons clashed together, Hodge attacking it from the back and taking its attention away from me. Alec pulled me back, helping Hodge. I watched shocked as it went between the two, throwing Alec onto a table that broke under him. I acted quickly, blocking the forsaken from hitting Hodge. I fought with it before its weapon slashed across my abdomen. My katana fell from my grip and my stance faltered, allowing the forsaken to throw me into the wall. I hit it with a thud, my body slamming to the ground. I let out a scream as pain coursed through my body. My hands clutched my wound shakily, and I watched through hooded eyes as Hodge killed the forsaken and Izzy ran in.
"Oh my god-Claire!" Izzy shouted, rushing over to me and pulling my stele from my waistband. I winced as she pulled my shirt up and went over my healing rune, activating it. I went slack as I felt my body begin to heal, smiling up to her hazily.
"Go-go h-help A-Alec." I stuttered, giving her a reassuring look when she hesitated. She rushed over to her brother and Hodge came over to me. He picked me up and walked me to the infirmary where I was immediately swarmed. He left the room as two shadowhunters started cleaning the blood off my body and wrapped my healing wound.
An hour later I was finally aloud to leave. I went to my room and changed into a pair of high-waisted leather leggings and a cropped black sweatshirt, a pair of black scrappy heels adorned my feet and my bandage peeked out of my clothes. I made my way down the hall, wondering how my boyfriend was doing. I found him in the training room along with Izzy and Jace. I made my way up to them, standing next to Alec and wrapping my arm around his waist. He wrapped his arm around me and kissed my forehead in response.
"I talked to Robert and Maryse, they're being sent back to Idris." Jace said, my eyebrows shooting up. Why would they be sent back to Idris?
"What?" Izzy voiced my thoughts.
"Another order from Lydia?" Izzy asked annoyed.
"Who's Lydia?"
"What?" Both Jace and I asked.
"She's in charge of the institute."
"She's what?" I asked surprised, what was Lydia doing?
"Temporarily." Alec defended Lydia, my heart skipping a beat. It was probably for my sake, right?
"And now she's convinced the clave that mom and dad aren't doing their job?"
"Well maybe they aren't. The institute was under their control when the forsaken got in."
"What are you talking about?" I asked Alec, moving away from him and closer to Izzy. I can't believe he would doubt his parents.
"Mom and dad were members of the circle."
"What? They don't have circle runes." Izzy defended her parents, getting upset at her brothers actions.
"That's because they made a deal with the Clave prior to the uprising. In exchange for their cooperation they were pardoned."
"So your questioning your parents loyalty?" I asked angrily.
"Valentine is back, their under suspicion."
"No way. Robert and Maryse took me in, they raised me as one of their own. I know what kind of people they are." Jace stepped in, defending the people that Alec wouldn't.
"Are you sure? They've lied to us. For years they've been telling us how to act, that we have to hold up the Lightwood name." Alec started.
"Well they're the ones who tarnished it, they're hypocrites." I just shook my head, my eyes showing my annoyance with Alec.
"You have no reason to question them, Alec. The forsaken got in because Valentine injected it with seelie blood, I heard what happened. You're placing blame on someone for no reason." Alec was silent, but my attention was off him when Lydia walked up. I smiled at her, hugging her when she got to us.
"You must be Jace Wayland, Lydia Brandwell." Lydia said, introducing herself. "You're quite the legend back at Idris."
"Don't believe everything you hear." Jace said, a frown gracing my face at his attitude. Yeah, I was pissed at her for arresting Meliorn but I still loved her. She's been my sister for a better part of my life.
"Did you tell them?" Lydia asked, dismissing Jace. I looked at Alec, wondering what she meant.
"Tell us what?" When he didn't answer I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.
"Babe, what does she mean?" I asked him, watching Lydia's face pale as "babe" fell from my lips.
"Lydia and I are engaged. We're getting married." Alec said, my heart dropping. We hadn't been dating for even a week yet, and here he was getting married to someone I considered a sister. Jace pulled me to him protectively, wrapping an arm around me. I was too shocked to do anything, tears welling in my eyes.
"You're not serious." Jace said hurt before storming away when Alec just stared at him. I let myself be pulled along, flinching away from Lydia when she tried to grab my hand and stop me. She let a tear fall before hastily wiping it away and turning away. Jace took me to his room, knowing that if anyone where to come looking for me that this was the last place they'd look. I sat down on his bad, blankly staring at the wall as tears fell in a continuous stream. Jace laid a black shirt next to me, no doubt his, before kissing my forehead and leaving the room.
How could Alec do this to me? Why, what did I do to deserve this? I love him, we were dating for god sake. And to turn around and ask my sister to marry him while we were still dating, and then not tell me about it, that's not something anyone could get over easily.

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