•Chapter 26•

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I bit my lip out of boredom. Clary had gone off to find an entrance to wherever we needed to go, leaving me to wait for Magnus. I was on edge, I was wavering between this world and our world. Currently I was fine, but I could easily get pulled in. Seeing a flash of familiar blonde hair I sighed, watching as Jace walked up to me.
"Jace, hi." I said when he stood in front of me. He smiled slightly before grabbing a cupcake off the table behind me.
"Claire, what's going on with you? You were fine this morning." Jace said worried. I smiled and shook my head.
"Nothing, everything's fine." He looked unconvinced but before he could speak Valentine came up to us.
"You must be the Jace I've heard so much about." Valentine said, most likely already knowing the answer. Jace nodded in greeting.
"Uh yes, sir." Valentine laughed, and I smiled when Jace got uncomfortable.
"Sir is for my father. Please, call me Mr.Morgenstern."
"Okay." It was silent, and not a comfortable one. The song changed and I took this as a blessing.
"Uh, Dad this is our song." I lied, taking Jace's hand.
"Uh, right." Jace went along with it.
"Nice to meet you." My dad said, believing the lie.
"It was a pleasure, nice- uh nice to meet you as well." Jace stammered before I could pull him away. I chuckled, wrapping my arms around his neck as he placed his on my waist.
"Claire, seriously what going on with you? You ran away from me this morning, and then you didn't respond to my texts all day." I furrowed my eyebrows.
"I didn't run away from you this morning..." I defended myself.
"You kind of did, I had your drink and then you and Clary ran off." My eyes widened.
"I didn't even see you. Clary and I were meeting with a friend and we completely forgot about it until last minute." I made up an excuse, well not really. We did do that, just not really for those reasons.

I rested my head on Jace's chest as we danced. Clary and Simon were talking while Izzy danced a bit away from us. This was perfect, and I was in a complete daze as I moved in sync with Jace. I watched as a man walked up to Clary. She looked confused and tried to walk away but was stopped. I stopped dancing and kept my eyes on them.
"I'll be back." I muttered, leaving Jace and quickly making my way over to my sister.
"Rissa, is this guy bothering you?" I asked protectively, standing slightly in front of her.
"No, but I don't know what you're talking about." She said, directing the last bit to the guy. He sighed before looking around. I made a face, what the hell was he about to do? The guy turned slightly before holding out his hand, a cat appearing in a blue mist. The world blurred before focusing again and I gasped.
"Oh my god, thank you." I told Magnus, thankful that he pulled us back.
"That was close." Clary said worried.
"You're telling me." Magnus muttered. Clary turned and pulled me with her.
"This way, let's go." She said before we all rushed off.

I moved things aside, not really knowing what I'm looking for.
"What are we even looking for?" I groaned, turning to face the warlock.
"I'll know it when I see it." He hummed, continuing his search. I rolled my eyes but continued on.
"What if this doesn't work?" Clary asked, standing by herself. I walked up to her, Magnus following after.
"It will, biscuit. I can feel it." Magnus said, making me smile a bit as I remembered him calling Clary that before. Clary nodded, and I went to return to my search when a gasp rang out.
"Claire? What's happening, why did you sneak off with some random guy and your sister?" I groaned, getting annoyed with this dimensions Jace.
"Jace, really not a good time." I said annoyed, not wanting to put up with this bullshit.
"Really? You know when would be a good time for me, Claire? Never," Jace said angry, "never call me again." I smiled sarcastically.
"Wouldn't dream of it-" I was cut off by a demon popping out of nowhere and attacking me. I let out a screech, shoving it off me and whacking it with the first thing I could grab. The metal bar I grabbed made a clink as it hit the ground. I quickly shot up, kicking it down before grabbing onto Jace and dragging him with me as I ran down a hallway. Clary and Magnus were in front of us, and we came to a stop a few minutes later.
"What the hell is that thing?" Jace asked, leaning against a structure. I stayed quite, ignoring him like Clary and Magnus did. I slid down the wall, breathing heavily. If I had asthma I would most likely be dead right now. Clary talked quietly to Jace, trying to make sure he didn't freak out anymore.
"Jace?" She said loudly, my eyes darting to the pair.
"Yeah." I connected the dots, deciding this was the Jace from our dimension.
"Oh thank god." I said, slumping over and laying down on the ground.
"Mind filling me in?" Jace said, looking at me weirdly. I scoffed, closing my eyes and continuing to pant. Clary stammered before that damn demon popped up again. I jumped to my feet, attacking it and trying to fight it off.
It threw me to the wall before attacking Jace. I managed to stand up right before it stabbed Him, poisoning Jace. I grabbed another metal bar, stabbing it into the demon and killing it.
"Jace?" Clary said worried, looking at the wound he got from the demon. He gasped, scrunching up his face before going to grab what I presume to be his nonexistent stele.
"Where's my stele?"
"It didn't come through with you." I stated, biting my bottom lip. This was bad. If we didn't get out of this dimension and fix Jace soon then chances are he doesn't make it. I moved closer, tilting his head so I could see the puncture clearly. Grimacing, I pulled a face.
"You're going to need more than your stele to heal that." I stated, masking my worry.
"Will portaling him back to his own body cure him?" Clary asked Magnus, standing up to move closer to him. I ripped a piece of Jace's shirt off and pressed it onto his wound, keeping it there.
"No. Blood travels with you, it's why your angelic powers still work here, and the demon venom is in his blood." Magnus informed her.
"Then we have to get him back to the institute in our dimension." Clary said, looking back at us.
"No," Jace protested, "we've gotta find Valentine."
"Jace, you're in no condition to fight." Clary denied, dead set on not continuing the original plan.
"We might not get another chance Clary." I said, knowing that it was true.
"This is too important." Jace said. Clary didn't get a chance to reply before Magnus called out in delight.
"I found it! Come on!" Clary helped me get Jace up and we rushed after Magnus.
"You'll have to destroy the portal after we go through." I told him, taking on the majority of Jace's weight as Clary let go and went closer to the portal.
"To secure your dimension from all ways." Clary said.
"If not then who knows what could get through, you'd be vulnerable to attacks." I added, knowing this bit of information would ensure that Magnus followed through on our request.
"I'll take care of it, thank you." 
"We should be thanking you." Clary said, taking Jace from me and watching as I grabbed the portal shard from Magnus and shoved it into its rightful place.
"No, you gave me back a life. I won't forget it, now go." Magnus said, watching as we walked into the portal.
"Think of your father!" He called out to Clary before we disappeared.

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