FOUR- Rogue

442 49 19

THE fear never really strikes me until it is just before my turn.

All I have done before that was try to focus on the mistakes the others have made and mentally keep track of how the victors have defeated their respective opponents.

This whole time I think I am preparing myself. Turns out just before the battle, all the information I think is permanently locked inside my head leaks out as soon as the monotone voice reminds all the number twenty-twos to prepare.

Panic and fear fills my body. I rack my brain for any of the strategic methods I planned on using, but anxiety takes over me, and I can't think of a single one.

"Now, for the Representative of the Physical Deviants, we have a Shapeshifter, from the rank of the Merchants, please welcome Mason 139."

To add to my apprehension, the muscles in my body tense up in the sound of my best friend's name.

A little while ago, when I told myself I didn't plan on losing to anyone, I didn't consider this situation.

"As for the Representative of the Mental Deviants, we have a Teleporter, from the rank of the Peasants, please welcome Edward 54."

But at that point, I was already tuning everything else out.

How was I supposed to harm my best friend and win without any guilt?

Taking deep breaths, I try to focus myself. There's nothing that can be done.

"And last but not least, for the Representative of the Elemental Deviants, we have a Silvercrest, from the rank of the Nonexistents, please welcome Rogue 33."

I have to make up my mind now. I have to pick between supporting my friend, or supporting my life-long dream. From a different perspective, the choice is probably an easy one. But it isn't so simple, from where I am standing.

The Elementals crowd roars and cheers at the sound of my name, thinking that it will aid in boosting my confidence. It only does the opposite.

With all the pressure collapsing onto me and stress piling on top, I force myself to make a quick decision.

When I promised myself I was going to get into the military no matter what it took, I meant it.

I step onto my platform and feel my pulse quicken as it rose. I look above the vertical tunnel and see bright light from a distance and watch it grow closer until it consumes all of me.

That's when I find myself inside the transparent cylinder. It looks completely different from the inside. It seems more intimidating. It seems more...


I glance at Edward, who gives me a threatening glare. But with everything going on, he's the last thing I'm worried about.

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