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AFTER we leave the lab, Airis takes me someplace I've only ever dreamt about entering: the Royal Palace.

I try to keep my eyes inside their sockets as the old-fashioned car we're in stops in front of the breathtaking entrance. The Royal Crest is embossed on the front of the gates. The crest had been changed after the Winter Massacre to commemorate the lives of the king's White Knights, who were the first to die defending the walls of Valburn. A symbol every citizen in the country has memorised by now. 

It is a simple silver shield with a white rose intricately carved in the center. Each of the thirteen petals symbolise one of the thirteen knights that died in the Winter Massacre. Their sacrifice, immortalised.

The gates open to reveal a magical realm of lush trees and various flowers lining a finely polished cobblestone road. The road takes us around a a display of crystal clear water flowing from a simple diamond fountain, shimmering in the sunlight.

"Is that..."

"Real diamond? Yeah, I was just as stupefied my first time here," Airis says from the passenger's seat.

At the corner of my eye, I see him looking at me as I'm sitting at the backseat, pressed against the window in awe. He's enjoying my bewilderment. I don't even try to mask it. 

I wish Mason and Celeste were here to see this.

Up ahead of us is the Royal Palace itself. The many steps that lead to the enormous front doors are edged in Swarovski crystals. I step out of the car as a guard kindly opens the door, and I walk up the stairs in complete silence. I guess, I can get used to this.

My very own feet are actually walking up the palace steps. The steps made for royalty. It's a lot to take in.

When Airis and I reach the front doors, I try my very best not to act amazed. But inside, I'm completely blown away.

The doors are made of authentic ebony wood, lined with silver plating and silver handles. The edges of the dense wooden doors are embellished with thick silver crawling vines and leaves that must've cost more than any Merchant can dream of making in a lifetime. 

The doors slowly open in elegant grandeur, unmasking the interior of the palace. A sight many can only speculate about. The marble floor looks newly polished, and the most gorgeous chandelier I've ever seen hangs from the top of the ceiling, dangling with light blue sapphires and tiny silver chains. 

Guards begin lining the carpet leading up to another grand staircase, saluting to us. Or rather to Airis. 

When we reach the end of the carpet, I think we're about to go upstairs, but he turns left, moving into a smaller door at the side of the staircase. 

"Not up there. Someplace even more magical than golden thrones and ballrooms."

I follow his lead, passing crystal windows taller than most doors in the government facility, showcasing an enchanting scene of old trees and a small pond with a miniature bridge. 

Hummingbirds of different hues travel from flower to flower, making the gardens look like nothing but a good dream. I didn't even know such a  beautiful place existed. 

The door Airis opens leads to a small study. But we don't stop here, as Airis exits the palace through the door on the left... leading us to the gardens. It looks even more mystical when you're actually in it. 

Airis is right. From all the sights I've seen, the this is by far the most spellbinding. 

"Welcome home," Airis says, his arms stretched out from both sides.

I gape at his words. Home? "Wait, d-does that mean..."

"It sure does! You will be staying here, at the palace, for most of your training."

"I couldn't possibly--"

"Disobey orders of the Commander himself? I'm sure not." He smiles at me, flashing his perfect set of blinding teeth yet again. "Before any training can take place, though, there's an event we have to attend in a few days. The Graduation Ceremony." 

I simply nod. 

"You, my dear, will be graduating as a Magnus Prime."

And for the hundredth time today, my mind is blown. I suddenly want to cough out of nowhere, but I regain my composure and say, "Sir, you have to understand. It's completely impossible for me to be eligible for the title of Magnus Prime. I don't have that much advantage points, my team rarely ever won any training ground exercises. And--"

"You and your friends were the first team to cross the finish line? Hm, bet you didn't know that, did you?" His crystal-like eyes gaze on ahead, admitting the scenery before us. 

"Advantage points can only take you so far, Rogue. Sure, it can increase your scores by a bit, but the Finals are graded more by your actual performance in the test itself. Nothing prior to that."

 I sit on a rock not far from the pond. "This is... a lot to take in. An actual Magnus Prime." 

The title of Magnus Prime is rewarded to each of the top seven graduates of the entire batch. They are also the ones who will lead their fellow soldiers into their first battlefield mission. 

My lifelong dream was simply to be accepted into the military. Being a Magnus Prime... that's a whole other level.

"And after that, we'll have to train very efficiently, and maximise the time for your learning. Your first battlefield mission will be days away from the ceremony. We feel like we've prepared you enough your whole lives. You, graduates, will only need briefing, a few exercises, and lots of rest."

I didn't expect the battlefield mission to come so soon. It's not training, not practice--not anymore. There's no room for mistakes if you want to make it back alive. 

Airis comes to sit next to me and sighs.

"For the Immortal War awaits."

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