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TWO whole days have passed.

To reach the grand bridge, we'll need at least one more whole day. We're running out of time.

They didn't say anything about a specific time limit, but they must have set one. And when it runs out, I don't want to be anywhere behind the finish line. 

The fear of the unknown-- it drives me insane. The fear of constantly wondering when our time is up.

Mason estimates they give us about week. I estimate less, just in case.

Our progress has been slowed down by encounters with wild beasts and dangerous terrain. It's another day with not much ground covered. We decide to get some rest for the night.

The ground is uneven and hard, and nearby flows a vicious river about ten meters wide. 

We're getting close to the bridge. If everything goes as planned, we'll follow the long river down the gorge and ascend the rocky terrain towards another small forest to the bridge by nightfall.

We have to reach the bridge by sunset. Tomorrow, according to my estimation, is the last day. A last chance. 

"I'll take first shift," Celeste offers. None of us argue. I see Mason wants to, but he's flown us a couple of times today, and he's exhausted. 

"Wake us up if you sense anything," I tell her, punching her shoulder with a weak fist as I pass. 

She nods as I lie down on the ground. After all these days out here, I'm already used to the uncomfortable positions and surfaces. 

Calia and Mason are talking about tomorrow's route as I close my eyes and listen to their discussion. Soon, their words start to slur in my ears, and I'm off to sleep.

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