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Hi reader and congratulations on making it halfway through Nonexistent! Give yourself a big pat on the back... or we'll do it for you. By the way, this is going to be quite long to make up for our lack of interaction with you guys! Do you mind? No? Okay.

For the past 35 chapters, authors' notes have barely popped up at the end of each chapter. And that's because, we, personally as writers and readers, feel that it breaks the momentum of binge-reading!

... That's a good reason, okay?

(And we also think that our sarcasm would just ruin our chapters *^* teehee)

Back to business!

If you have noticed, this chapter is an AUTHORS' note and not an AUTHOR'S note. It was about time that we break to you, friend, that electricurrent is actually a shared account between two best friends, respectively referred to Y and K.

That's great. But would you like to know more about us? Then continue reading.

Recently, we've been nominated by @LizPer7 to do this random 13 Facts About Me thingymabob (thanks a lot, Liz :D). But since that's obviously impossible for the both of us to do it, here is... drumroll* electricurrent's version: 13 Facts About Us!!

You can skip this part because this is quite boring. Now, onto the house rules!

-You must post all the rules. (Okay... Done!)

-You must post 13 facts about yourself. (Quite obvious, but we're breaking this rule :P)

-You must do it within a week of nomination, and it must be done in one of your books. (Is there going to be a consequence? :O)

-You CANNOT do it in the comments (T-T) because it must be done in one of your books.

-When you are done, try to tag 15 people. (Alrightie! You heard that people! We are going to tag 15 lucky people to do this as well <3 And don't take it personal because we love you.)

13 Facts About electricurrent You (Most Likely) Don't Know

1. We've never ridden a hot air balloon before... and probably neither have you (so don't judge -_-) This is a very important key in our list because ever since we watched the movie 'Up,' we were amazed by the idea of a tying balloons to keep a house floating in the sky (for travelling purposes, and we mean that airplanes are just too overrated). :P And a flying house is the closest thing we can think of to a homemade hot air balloon, so if you see two weirdos in the news, riding a flying house, you know what to tell the cops. *salutes.*


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2. "Dishwasher" has been our favourite word for the longest time (and it probably still is). We've just have had too many memories about dishwashing chores given by our parents that they continue to haunt us in our dreams...

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