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AFTER we all find our designated teams, we go over our final plan one last time, and get to our places, our plan is set to action. Sparks tickle the nerves of my arms and my spine as I pray this plan works. All these students trust me to lead them, and I definitely don't want to let them down.

I give the Cloudriders my signal as another five minutes beeps and a boulder is released. But as the space of the slide is open, the Cloudriders force wind onto multiple rocks, and several extra boulders tumble over to the slide. But they don't stop there. Just as I instructed, their wind blows with a force so strong, the small door they use to stop the boulders breaks. All the rocks they stored just roll out, and there are more than I expected. I smile.

The more the merrier.

I signal the Groundshifters, and they follow the plan perfectly as well. Each rock that comes down, they levitate up into the air and smash into a million pieces. They keep them onto the holes on the round wall, preventing arrows from impaling anyone else. After all the boulders are used, the next step is ready for action.

The Silvercrests guard the Firecasters like body guards for arrows that might shoot out from holes that the Groundshifters may have missed. And yes, that's because we're taking on the red ground. As I join my fellow Silvercrests in protecting the Firecasters, our circular formation nears the red ground and I swallow as the closest guy takes the first step onto the crimson floor. I know the sensors are triggering the arrows to shoot, because some Groundshifters flinch a bit from the arrows' impact.

But so far, so good.

As we move, a few arrows escape, but we manage to counter all of them. When we reach the tube, the Firecasters start their role-- melting the ice. But as they work, a few arrows escape, and I see a girl to my left get shot in the arm. Another gets hit too, and the longer we stand there protecting the Firecasters, the more people are wounded. But of course, I expected that.

I signal the Hydrodrifters as they make their way towards us, but stop before the red floor. Even with the Groundshifters blocking the arrow wall, I can see they are afraid. I help our injured towards them as they heal their bloody wounds. I take a look at the Firecasters, glad to find their burning fire making progress in melting the ice. I can already see the outline of the tube-- the tube that can get us all out of here.

By the time the Hydrolifters have completely healed everyone, the tube is ready. I signal the Groundshifters and they walk away from the wall, not turning their back on it. Slowly coming closer to the tube in the middle, we walk towards it, but we don't look away from the dangerous wall. We maintain our circular formation cautiously until we find the tube right behind us. The Groundshifters keep the rocks onto the wall. When the last person enters the tube, I sigh in relief. The tube is so still and quiet, I hear my own heart beating uncontrollably fast as adrenaline still rushes through my veins.

As the tube leads us up to the unknown, the Groundshifters let all the rocks fall to the ground, and the arrows shoot in a raging frenzy, furious they can't reach us from inside.. Everyone is silent in fear, and not a single noise is made. But protected by the thick glass tube, I'm truly happy that I didn't let everyone down.

Right before we reach the top, I can see sunlight streaming through the glass. It's a forest-like surrounding, much like our practice tests. When we find ourselves at the top, I can see three other tubes beside our own. I catch a glimpse of Celeste in the tube I assume is for the Mental Deviants, but I don't find Mason through the crowd in the tube for the Physical Deviants. My heart plunges to my stomach.

Did Mason die in the first trial?

But before I can think any further, a hidden speaker booms loudly capturing all our attention. A hologram appears before us; it is a woman who looks at all of us with a smile. "Congratulations, Deviants," she says in the monotone voice we all know so well. "You have passed the first trial of your Final Test." I hear a few cheers, but I stay silent as she continues.

"But although we have eradicated the existence of your weaker peers, that does not give you permission to feel confident about succeeding in the next challenge. Quite a lot of you will perish at this next and final trial, but a few of you here will succeed as champions. In the Death Race. The first seven who finish this race will be crowned as Magnus Primes, and will have authority in leading our fellow Deviants in the battlefield of the Immortal War."

We take in everything she has said, trying not to feel intimidated. But if I'm being completely honest, I'm afraid. Afraid of how this might turn out. Afraid of competing in whatever race she was talking about. Afraid of doing it without Mason.

"Think like a winner, strive like a champion, and succeed as a victor. Good luck, students. So without further ado," she pauses and looks at all of us one more time with a sly smile, "May the preeminent Deviant win!"

After the hologram disappears, I don't waste any time. I immediately dash towards the Physical Deviants sector, hope straining from the slight chance that Mason is still alive.

I push my way through the horde of Physicals, my mind only thinking of one face. It gets easier by the second as others are already running into the race, looking for a good hiding spot, or searching for friends of their own. I don't care that others are getting the upper hand by going ahead-- I know I can't survive this race without Mason.

"Rogue!" someone calls from behind. Celeste.

"Celeste, help me find Mason. I-I can't seem to find him anywhere!"

Celeste slightly smiles. "I know, don't worry. We'll be meeting up with him in a bit. I know where he is."

Relief floods through my veins after hearing Mason's okay.

"Of course you do," I say, half-teasing. 

I just can't believe they planned something without me. I feel like an afterthought. But I push those thoughts aside. Nothing's changed. We're still the unstoppable trio we've always been.

Maybe if I say it enough, I'll actually start to believe it. 

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