SEVEN- Zepher

330 45 16

MANY students had witnessed Rogue's incident in her Battle Rounds. But we decided to call in the one who would give the most accurate information. The student who experienced everything, firsthand.

"So you're Mason, am I correct?" I say with a voice I find gives me more authority. I have all his filed information in hand.

The student that sits in the chair in front of me slightly nods. "That's me."

He is about my age, and his wavy hazel hair is tousled. His eyes are deep blue, and the way he carries himself is respectable, almost regal. Yet something about him looks drained out-- exhausted.

"They say you are very close to Rogue 33. Is this true?" I inquire, walking back and forth a bit as I ask him questions.

"Childhood friends. Practically inseparable the three of us."

"Three?" I stop in my tracks.

"Rogue, her twin, Celeste, and I. We were grouped on our first training practice when all of us were eight and have been together ever since, basically."

I'm not used to how casually he talks to me. Many people are so stiff around royalty, but this student acts as if I'm one of his fellow students. I give him a look, and he probably gets the hint because he suddenly adds, "Your Highness."

In actuality, I don't mind his informality. Maybe even enjoy it a bit. But for the sake of the people listening, it's probably better to have him treat me with more dignity.

"And there was an incident that took place in your Battle Rounds, am I right?"

"It was crazy ridiculous, almost terrifying. She wasn't herself at all."

I pause for a moment, and I can tell he wants to roll his eyes. "Your Highness."

I pretend to nod in satisfaction as I continue. "They told me she drained your energy. What exactly did they mean by this? How was this feat accomplished?"

"Basically Edward, the other opponent, beat her up bad. I knocked him unconscious and ran over to check on her. When I reached her, she was practically half dead. I was freaking out as I tried my best to keep her up while keeping an eye on the other guy. I could see her fading away, and I was scared even if I knew she'd be brought to the healing machines."

It seems like every single detail has been burned into his memory. "And I knew there was something off about her. Like she was desperately yearning for something to keep her alive. Of course any person beat up that bad would but..... I don't know."

I focus on Mason, and he looks so engrossed by his own story. As if it was happening to him right now. Then he goes on.

"That's when I felt it-- her hand placed on my face didn't feel like anything different at first. Then I felt a slight sting in my chest, a pang in my head, and as soon as I know it my whole body was enveloped in pain, and I was screaming it out. Then the pain wavered and diminished a bit, and I heard Rogue apologizing-- like she was just as surprised as everyone else."

I examine his eyes and see there's not a hint of judgement in them. Rogue was long forgiven it seems.

"Then she was gone and Edward was in a big fight with her, but I was too exhausted to see or hear anything. I knew he saw me as the weaker opponent now, and would head for me. That's when I heard Rogue calling me, telling me to get up. It was nearly impossible, but I managed to slowly get on my feet. She shouted at me, telling me to transform as she distracted Edward." He stopped to swallow. "And what happened after that was the worst part."

I'm so engaged in his story, it takes me a while to realize I stopped walking.

"I couldn't do anything. It was like my mind told me to transform, but my body simply couldn't. I never felt anything like it, like I was powerless. Helpless."

I don't even want to imagine not being able to manipulate my wind. Deviants' lives practically revolved around their powers, like the centerpiece of their souls. I can't possibly envision the fear of conceivably losing them forever.

"It's when Rogue was knocked out when I finally regained my powers. I was so relieved, I thought I'd lost them for life. After I defeated Edward, I wanted to check on Rogue. But for the first time since I met her, I was actually afraid of her. What happened there was implausible. I'll never forget it."

He stares into space, then meets my eyes. He adds his last words in a teasing tone.

"Your Highness."

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