chapter 4- Young, Beautiful, but Deadly?

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Officer Collins to your right :D ---->


"So your admitting you committed the crimes?" He said cocking an eyebrow trying to display a hard exterior, but his amusement was clear in his big, aqua colored pools that he had as eyes.

"N-no, of course not," I gasped.

"Then I don't see why you need a lawyer," his face now expressionless, but his eyes betrayed him.

"That's not fair," I squeaked sinking into my chair. The fatty's radio went off and he excused himself quickly, "anyway what am I getting charged with?" I asked finding my courage.

"Do you want me to list them alphabetically or by degree level?"

"Hmm...just lay them on me."

His mouth twitched, but he resisted the smile. "Grand theft auto, kidnapping, attempt kidnapping, blackmail, assault, attempted murder, and those are just the major ones. You have quiet a rap sheet. Who would of thought young, beautiful, but deadly right?"

I glared at him. I am not deadly. Wait did he just call me beautiful? Just when I was going to ask him to repeat that last part his radio went off. He didn't reply, but a small frown escaped to his lips.

"If you'll excuse me I have something to take care of. I'll be back." He exited the small room and left me behind lonely and hungry.

"And I didn't commit those crimes..." My voice fail as I once again realized I was alone...and lonely.

"Lonely, they call me Mr. Lonely cause I have no body to call my own," I sang as I pictured that pink frosted donut I saw earlier. I bet it tasted delicious. Thinking about delicious I could totally eat that cop up! Not the fatty one, though I bet he wouldn't taste half bad barbecued. I shivered at the thought. Slow down cowgirl, I told myself.

The pools of greenish blue popped back into my mind. He was cuter then the other cops I've seen, but he was a tough one. The tribal tattoos that peeked from under his uniform sleeves on both arms made me wonder what else he was hiding underneath. Just as my thoughts were going to get inappropriate the door busted open.


joke #4

Businessman while interview with candidate:-

Businessman: 'I killed a person' convert this sentence into future tense.

Candidate: The future tense is 'you will go to jail'

get it? hahaha

I'm Innocent, I swear!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz