Chapter 24- I'm John, not Liam!

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sooo, in the next few chapters i'm going to be bouncing around in points of views, because they are all separated and i think its fun! :D


ps comment. vote. fan! :p


John's POV

"How do you know the other three people you were arrested with?" a sharp female voice asked immediately as she entered the door.

"Hello to you to officer," I said dryly, "Well, first off, if it wasn't obvious, the dude is -unfortunately- my twin brother, the red head is an acquaintance of my brother. And Kara, well, long story short, is crazy so she pops up everywhere."

I shrugged as I rested my feet on the table. "When can I leave? I don't see why I am here to begin with."

"You can leave when I say you can, now," she said sternly looking at my feet resting on the old, flaking metal table, "put your feet on the floor where they belong before I put them down for you, using electricity."

"Grrr," I growled mocking a tiger, "I like my women feisty."

"Your women? Please," she scoffed, "anyways, do you own a red and black Honda motorcycle?"

"Yep, want to ride it?" I smirked wiggling my eyebrows suggestively.

"If you don't want to get booked right now I suggest you knock it off," she said trying to suppress that smile that was itching on the corners of her plumped rosy lips. I nodded leaning forward on the table listening intently, "Well, the warrant out for your arrest is due to unpaid speeding tickets. Your motorcycle license is going to be suspended until you pay them."

"Is that it?"

"Not quite," she said taking out a file, "how well do you know the red head?" She pulled a mug shot of Babel and I could suppress the laugh that escaped my lips. Her hair was standing up crazily, as if she was housing a bird, one of her eyes closed as the other was wide. I'm assuming the flash was to bright for her. Her lips parted showing her teeth -as I'm once again assuming- was a growl.

"Can I get a copy of that?" I asked looking up at her still chuckling. The glare she shot me was a suffice answer as I took a mental picture instead. "I just met her today," I stated truthfully as I controlled my laughter, "other then today, I have never, and I swear on all that's holy," I smiled holding up my right hand, "seen her before."

"Then what's this?" She pulled out another picture of Liam, because it wasn't me, and her talking to each other in the holding cell.

"That isn't me," I said shaking my head looking back up at her big hazel eyes, "like I said, I have a twin. An Identical twin."

"So for all I know you can be lying and pretending to be your brother?" She raised a critical eyebrow zoning in on my face, trying to read whether or not I was lying. Good thing I don't get intimidated, and well, honestly I'm used to it.

"True," I said going along with her, "I could be my brother Liam. Liam could be John," my infamous smirk forming on my lips and I could feel my eyes twinkling with mischief. Its fun to toy with the law, especial when its hot lady cops, "We can even be a set of triplets and you only caught John and I or Liam or I... you might never know."

"Okay, your John," she said writing something down on a pad of paper, "Where were you at around midnight today?"

"What gave me away?" I asked winking at her, "was it my eyes? My tattoos? Or my lady skills?"

"None of the above," she said looking back at me with a smirk similar to mine forming on her lips, "it's the stupidities you say. Now, answer the question."

"Yes, Ma'am," I smiled leaning back into the chair closing my eyes, "well, if I remember correctly I was at home 'hanging out' with a lady friend. You can call her to verify, she didn't leave unsatisfied."

"And around one?"

"I picked up Babel here, I'm not sure what time it was, but I'm sure if you ask that Collins dude, he'll remember, he practically bit my head off when he saw me approaching her."

"Officer Collins?" she asked slamming down her pen, "why would he do that?"

I simply shrugged. So Collins is a soft spot for this chick...hmm I can totally use this to my advantage.

"I will be right back," she hissed through gritted teeth as she slid the chair back making it screech loudly. She got up quickly taking long, angry strides to the door, slamming it behind her shortly after. Wow, are all chicks crazy now a days or what?

The minutes were flying by and hearing the loud ticking noises the clock nailed to the plain cream wall was emitting wasn't making it any easier waiting for the lady cop to come back. What was taking her so long? Was I not a priority? Pfft.

Letting my eyes wonder around the room, a yellow manila folder caught my eyes. The words "Dangerous" was stamped on with red ink. Not resisting the temptation, I reached for the folder quickly, good thing this room didn't have a double mirror window, huh. Listening intently for foot steps I opened the file to be greeted by Babel's face once again. So this is her file...hmm. Flipping the pages, three black and white pictures caught my attention. Babel and Kara were in them, running and hiding their faces, but it didn't take a forensic scientist to see that it was obviously them. The corridor seemed to belong to hospital.

What were they doing in a hospital running and Babel shirtless?

Before I could flipped through anymore footsteps were approaching, so I closed the file quickly and shoved the folder back to where it was previously. Leaning back into the chair I plopped my feet up on the table, closed my eyes and resurfaced that look of boredom that possessed my face for those long, lonely minutes. It was pretty convincing if you ask me.

Not failing my sixth sense, the door flew opened and the lady cop from earlier stood seething, bustling through the room until she was in front of me. "What are your ties to Kara?" she growled as her chest heaved up and down rapidly.

"Um, define ties," I said smiling up at her towering figure.

"Don't play around with me," she growled pulling out a tazer, "I'm not in a playful mood right now."

My muscles stiffened as she aimed the tazer towards my body. I immediately nodded, "She's friends with some of my ex-girlfriends, but I've never really met her before."

"How does your brother know Babel?"

"I don't know," I gulped. Without warning I was shaking in pain on the floor. My body was convulsing as the realization of being tazed finally sunk in. That female dog -to word it nicely- tazed me! Me, John Moore. Oh, this was so not over!

In a haze, as I was still shaking on the floor, I saw her feet walk away disappearing as she exited the room.

I'm Innocent, I swear!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt