Chapter 20- Stupid Banana, yes, I have a twin.

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Thanks punny_45 for being plain awesome! your comments are always welcomed and much appreciated. :D

I semi-edited please excuse mistakes -___-                                                                                                 enjoy!


Arriving at their place I couldn't be happier to feel stable ground beneath my feet.

"Lead the way, Johnny."

"Don't call me that!" He hissed walking passed me blowing hair away from his eyes.

"Call you what, Johnny?" I asked innocently trailing closely behind him just encase he wanted to make a run for it and try to loose me. I wouldn't put pass him to do that so I'd better just, you know be on the safe side.

"Argh! You. Are. Obnoxious!" He cried throwing his hand in the air like a five year old.

Silently laughing behind him I looked around and well let's just say it wasn't very classy. "Do you guys bring girls here? Its disgusting!" I blurted and before he could fire back I slipped. On a damn banana peel.

"What happened- holy shit!" He laughed, "I didn't think that was possible!"

I growled from below and glared at him as he continued laughing. Hmph, dusting myself off I kicked the stupid peel and motioned him to continue forward, yet his laugh didn't falter.

"It wasn't that funny," I stated rubbing my chin.

"Sure it wasn't," he said as he tried to stop laughing, "here we are."

He opened the door and motioned for me to go in. Doing so the smell of chinese food hit me making my stomach growl with want.

"Liam!?" I called, "Liam, where are you?"

I took a few steps forward and was greeted by a very cute, sleeping Liam.

"Ass face," John shouted as he threw Liam a pillow, "wake up. Something is waiting for you."

"Something? Your mom."

The room went silent and unease settled in the pit of my empty stomach. Did I hit a soft spot?

"My mom is dead," Johnny said seriously, so seriously his eyes turned a dark blue instead of their light bright bluish color.

"Oh, my gosh. I'm sorry, I didn't mean it," I whispered looking down at the floor in shame. I'm so cruel! I slapped myself several times in my head, "please forgive me I just a jerk!"

"My mom isn't dead," Liam growled, "you prick." He got the silky orange pillow and smacked John in the face.

"Wait, so your mom is alive?"

"Well, my mom is," Liam smiled, "I don't know about the Alien that drop him off at our front door."

"Johnny, your such an ass!" I scolded.

Ignoring the wrestling match that broke out I looked around. Two black leather couches sat on the living room with orange and green silky pillows, a flat screen on the wall surrounded by game counsels and wires neatly taped to the side. The carpet was a dark brown color, and the kitchen a nice bright green with silver appliances. And right on the counter laid a treasure.

My legs maneuvered themselves in front of the counter and my hands dug in. Steam rice, beef broccoli, and some chow mien adorned my plate as I sat and enjoyed every spoonful.

"Yeah, totally eat my food," John said sarcastically.

"Excuse me, but if you remember correctly you didn't feed me."

"Whatever, just wash the dishes." He got his water bottle from the fridge and laid on the couch, "so where did you guys meet?"

"She kidnapped me," Liam yawned.

The few bits of food I had in my mouth flew out making me choke. Some rice stuck to my throat making it hard to breath. Waving my hands like a mad person and doing the universal sign for 'help me I'm choking' I waited for Liam or at least John to notice, to help, but no. Nothing.

Finally giving up on them to save me I ran to the sink and put my mouth under the faucet and opened it. The holy element of water invaded my mouth and relieved me from the near death experience.

"Excuse me!" I shouted walking to the living room, "I did not kidnap you, it was Kara. I thought we went over this already?"

"Were you not her partner in crime?" Liam questioned rising an eyebrow.

"Yes, but..."

"Then there you go," he grinned.

"Is that why you were in jail?" John interjected taking a gulp of his water.

"No, well not completely," I replied sheepishly as I took a seat next to Liam.

"So your a criminal?" John cocked an eyebrow suspiciously.

"Eh... I wouldn't call it that," I smiled, "Anyways," I laughed awkwardly changing the subject, "I was wondering if you guys could help me find Kara."

"She's missing?" Liam asked leaning towards me concern adorning his smooth features.


"Good!" John interjected getting up, "if its the same Kara I know, I'm glad she's missing. All she did was get Diana and Terry crazier then they are."

"Hey!" I growled back, "don't blame Kara for your weird taste in women. I blame you for all this actually!" I got up and stood in front of him blocking his way, "if you didn't date crazy girls Kara would have never gotten the stupid idea of kidnapping you, then we wouldn't have taken Liam and my record wouldn't be as full of shit as its now!"

"So now this is my fault?" John screamed back.

"Yes! My god!" I yelled pacing around the room, "if we wouldn't have taken Liam I wouldn't be getting charged with kidnapping, grand theft auto, attempted murder, assault, and much more!"

"All that?" Liam butted in clearly amused.

"Yes, and it wouldn't have happened if your brother date normal girls."

"Don't blame me for your stupidity. Who in their right mind follows a crazy person like Kara?" John hissed siting back down on the couch, "like come on."

"Would you follow your brother?" I asked calming down slightly.


"Yes, yes he would," Liam growled giving John the evil eyes.

"Fine, I would," John sighed, "but what does that have to do with Kara?"

"Well, she like my twin. We are stuck with each other. She's all I have," my voice cracked and for the first time in a long time I felt scared. What if I never see her again?


getting longer eh?! lol (thats what she said!)

Joke # 20

Doctor, "What seems to be the problem?"

Patient, "Doc, I've got the farts. I mean I fart all the time,"

The Doctor nods, "Hmm."

Patient, "My farts do not stink and you can't hear them. It's just that I fart all the time. Look, we've been talking here for about 10 minutes and I've farted five times. You didn't hear them and you don't smell them, do you?"

"Hmm," says the Doctor,

He picks up his pad and writes out a prescription.

The patient is thrilled "Great doc. This prescription, will it really clear up my farts?"

"No," sighs the Doctor, "The prescription is to clear your sinuses. Next week I want you back here for a hearing test."


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