chappter 7- The pizza is innocent too, I swear!

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"Go on, I'm waiting," the hot cop said trying to look tough, but failed. Big time. His eyes still twinkled happily, reflecting the ugly lighting that surrounded the tiny room.

"First off, what's your name? I don't feel comfortable sharing the truth with, you know, a stranger."

He studied me carefully, scrutinizing every little movement. It was hard containing the smile trying to slip onto my lips. why a smile? I don't know. I'm supposed be angry for getting arrested, but I'm not. Plus its not like I'm guilty. Right?

"Officer Collins."

I nodded. "Suits you. I met a Collins once and he was totally a jerk. Like you." I smiled sweetly and winked.

"Jerk?" He asked with a chuckle, "why am I a jerk, cause I arrested you for being a danger to society?"

I gasped. "Danger to society? Me? You should be going after terrorists and drug dealers not a young lady that is an outstanding citizen. I pay my taxes and vote!"

He cocked an eyebrow and leaned forward with his arms crossed over his chest. His sleeves retracted showing off more of his tattoo. I'm pretty sure it stretched over his shoulders and into his back. Yum. 

"Can you stop eyeing me and get back to the subject, miss," he said smirking with his cocky ego bursting through. I rolled my eyes and gave him a grave look.

"Nice tat, and I wasn't checking- whatever that doesn't matter. If you want me to continue with my truth, the only truth, I want a donut. And some coffee." My mouth watered as I remember fatty. I shivered. I love donuts.

He looked at me incredulously. "Anything else princess?"

"Well, since you asked...I wouldn't mind a pizza either, with a coke hold the ice. I feel a cold coming on."


Sexy officer Collins left me alone and was taking forever to get back. How hard was it to fetch a donut, pizza, a large coffee and soda? Its not like I was asking for pizza from Italy or for the coffee to be blessed by the pope.

"Come on!" I yelled shaking the table, "I'm starving! This is abuse! I'm suing! Ahhh! Torture, who denies a poor, innocent girl food?," I said dramatically staring at the mirror. Man, I look gross. My hair's messy, looks like a bird's nest. I wouldn't be surprised if a woodpecker popped out right now to be honest.

I looked lazily around the room wishing I had just called a damn lawyer. I would have food by now! Hmm...I wonder what time it is. If my calculations are correct it should be around 10 or 11 because when I was arrested and ditched the concert had just began and I've been here for hours.

"Stupid Kara!" I yelled pounding my fist against the metal table making it rattle fiercely. I can't believe she ditched me! Well, I don't blame her, but she could of pulled me or something so I could have taken off too. Maybe I wouldn't be in this mess. Man, when I see her I'm going to...


The aroma of the crispy, pizza flowed into my nostrils making me drool. I wiped my mouth as Officer Collins put the pizza in front of me. I lifted the top to reveal the tastiest, most mouth-watering, exquisite-looking pizza I've seen in my life. The pepperoni cooked to perfection with the crust a nice golden brown color and the cheese oozing everywhere. Before I could dig in the box disappeared.


I looked up and the beast was holding my baby captive. That bitch. Exactly why I don't like lady cops. Oh pizza I'll rescue you!


So do you guys like it so far? What do you think is going to happen? dun dun dun

comment, vote and, fan it you like :D


‎'A guy sitting with his girlfriend,

drinking beer says,"I love you"

Gf says:"Is it YOU or the beer talking?"

Boy replies: "its me, talking to my beer, YOU shut up!"

p.s if you get offened let me know i'll remove the joke :p

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