Chapter 18- Freedom Atlast! or not...

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thanks Codygirl for being such an awesome reader! its mean sooooooo much to me like you dont even know :D i hope you enjoy this little taste because its so short its not even a chapter but i really wanted to upload and leave you guys wanting more ;) 


"Liam? Is that you?" I shouted as a young stud approached us.

"The one and only, Babel." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes and stood up, but quickly bounce back on the chair when a death grip on my thigh suppressed my actions.

"Stay seated," Collins growled as he stood up and walked up the rest of the way to meet Liam nose to nose. The whispers were driving me nuts, so I being me, quickly stood and united with their two-man meeting.

"What are you guys talking about?" I asked cheerfully poking my head into their obviously heated conversation.

"Don't worry about it, Babel. Your off the hook for now, but I'm warning you, YOU will back here and next time I won't let you go so easily." Collins nodded a goodbye leaving me speechless. Talk about something up his butt, it must like a whole damn elephant.

"Shall we?" Liam asked stretching out his curved elbow like a gentlemen making me giggle in delight.

"What were you guys talking about?" I asked finally breaking the ice as we approached his speedy ride.

"He's just a little...territorial that's all," Liam smiled handing me a helmet, "where too?"

"Well I'm starved, if you don't mind of course," I smiled sheepishly putting on the helmet.

"Totally, I'm hungry too," he smiled shrugging off his black leather jacket, "here put this on."

I didn't argue, its freaking cold. He hoped on his black and red motorcycle motioning for me to do the same.

"I've never ridden one of these," I confessed as I hesitantly hoped on.

"That's even better," he smirked evilly, "here, hold on like this." He wrapped my arms around his waist and I quickly felt his firm body. Scolding myself to behave and smiled wide, one more thing I could cross off the ol' bucket list.

"Giddy up!" I yelled laughing like a moron. He quickly complied and let the engine rip and we blasted through the streets at the speed of light.

My grip increased as he went faster sending my hair flying in all directions. Not even a a mile away from the station the sirens went off behind us.

"Shit!" I yelled, but it was muffled by the helmet.

Liam turned back and even though his mouth wasn't visible the look in his eyes told me all I needed to know.

We were not going down without a fight!


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what do you think will happen? dun dun dun....

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