Chapter 23- Going our separate ways...

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"You have to be kidding me," Kara hissed pacing around in the holding cell, "I don't belong behind bars! Look at me!"

"Chill, Queen of England," John said in a calming tone, "the more you act," he motioned the air around her...

"Crazy?" I interjected.

"Exactly," he continued, "the longer you and the rest of us will be in here."

"I don't care," she huffed, "officer! Officer! I want my phone call."

"Who are you going to call? It like four in the morning," I said shaking my head with my eyes closed. A nap wouldn't hurt at the moment.

"I'm going to call your father!" She shouted, "I can't take these false accusations any longer. He will get us out in an blink of an eye."

"He won't pick up," I said in a low voice. I really need that nap now. How does she think -in her right mind- that my father -a piece of poop, to word it nicely- is going to bail us out? And on top of that clear our names? That's like asking him to give me a hug!

"Why don't you like your father?" Liam whispered, inching closer to my end of the wooden bench. I opened my eyes and smiled. His peaceful chocolate brown eyes meeting mine instantly.

"Well," I whispered looking around like I was going to tell him the secret location to the city of gold; I was just being dramatic since its just us four of us in this shit hole, "he wanted me to be a boy."

"What?" He whispered back confused.

"You see, when I was like about nine years old, my father told me to get a sex change," he opened his mouth to speak, but I quickly silenced him with my hands, "He always wanted a boy, and since my mother left him, and women hated him, it was impossible. So he turned to his only daughter, me, and said if I didn't become a boy I would be disowned. So I ran away, bumped into Kara and whala! Here we are," I said trying to be serious. I was pulling everything straight out my poop shoot and I was getting a kick out of his reaction.

His eyes were wide in disbelief and his chin hanging, he was so shocked he couldn't speak! Man, this is, by far, the best reaction I've gotten from the many different stories -or lies to be precise- I've told about my father. Then again I have never gone as far as a sex change before. I think the worst was him trading me in for a pet ostrich.

"Stop lying, Babel," Kara growled, "her dad's the DA. She just hates him because he never paid much attention to her," turning her body directly in my direction she glared at me, "your dad puts bad people away, you should be proud, now suck it up and go ask that fat cop for your call."

Her voice was calm and smooth and that's when it's the worse. She's at her breaking point and her breaking point wasn't something funny to witness. It was scary.

"I don't appreciate you calling my partner fat," Collins said with amusement flashing in his bright orbs, "now, let's go. All four of you."

"She wants her call," Kara hissed standing in front of Collins as he opened the barred door, "now."

"Excuse me?" Collins chuckled, "either you tone down the attitude or I'll have Jackson deal with you."

"Jackson?" Kara perked up, "I like the sound of that. How tall is he? Is he blonde? I like blondes...."

Collins' face morphed to amusement with a hint of confusion as I was bent over in laughter. If only she knew who Jackson -aka the wildebeest- was she wouldn't want anything to do with her.

"What's so funny?" She asked as the three of them -John, Liam, and Kara- looked between Collins and I confused as a vampire at a werewolf meeting.

"You'll know soon enough," Collins said with a small smirk as we all step out.

My face was probably red from the lack of oxygen. "Hey can I get a donut?" I asked smiling as we made our way to the familiar interrogation room, "turn right here you guys," I said in my deep, wanna-be cop voice.

We kept walking down the hallway when we stopped in front of a familiar door, "Babel, this is your stop."

I looked at Collins in disbelief. "Your going to separate us?"

His smirked confirmed my horrid thought. This isn't good. What if our stories don't match up?


:O separated! What will happen? Dun, dun, dun....

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