Chapter 11- I confess, i kidnapped him!

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"Ciao," Cheryl called as Collins escorted him out, "we should chill sometime, don't throw away my number, hoe!"

I smiled and waved. "Well your lucky to be outta this shit hole, skank!"

Man (lol), Cheryl's funny and different. Very different. I saw as Collins shook his head in disapproval as Cheryl screamed in his deep man voice, "Free Bell! Free Bell!" his nick-name for me.

I looked around the cell and it wasn't empty, but everyone else was knocked out. I sighed and closed one eye. Always sleep with one eye open when surrounded by the enemy, my grandpa said.

"Carter, let's go," I heard Collins call my last name, immediately my other eye flew open. I stood up with ease and walked coolly to the cell gate, "Ready to talk now?"

"Can I use the restroom?"

"Why must you always answer me with a question?"

"Why are you always asking them?"

"Maybe you need to stay here longer," he said fluster with my childish games.  

"Maybe I should get my one phone call!"

"Who are you going to call? Your partner in crime?"

"Hell no! She abandoned me! I was thinking more along the lines of hot and bad," I smiled remembering Liam.

"I can't help you out much, but thanks for the compliment," Officer Collins smirked.

"Please, Officer. I was talking about Liam."

Collins face turned slightly pale and his hands balled up into fists. "That criminal? You just met him today!"

"Or did I?" I said trying to sound mysterious. Before I knew it I was being yanked out the cell and place in cuffs again. "Again? Seriously?!"

"I can't risk another attempt to escape. Now shut up and walk."


"Miss Carter, just at least tell us why you committed the crimes."

"I told you Officer that they aren't crimes just misunderstandings," I said exhausted. Here I am in the same interrogation room with the same officer.

Collins shook his head. After the whole Liam thing he's been acting different. He only addresses me as Miss, young lady, or by my last name, doesn't flirt, and his eyes are dim.

"How do you know Liam?"

And there is was. Finally out, the question that he seemed to want to ask since he knew something was up between Liam and I. I guess there's no used in denying since Liam told me didn't press charges. And if they were to press them after my confession he would drop them. At least I hope so...

I took a deep breath and looked at Collins right in the eyes. "We- I mean I kidnapped him."

He leaned closer to me and shook his head in disbelief. "How?"

I leaned back and with my eyes closed. "Well..."


Cliffhanger! Dun dun dun ;D yeah I'm evil!

Well reader! I'm swamped with homework soo I won't be uploading as frequently as I do, BUT if you guys really want me too upload soon you guys can comment and vote! That way I know people actually want to know what happens next. :D

Joke #11

A doctor and a lawyer were talking at a party.

Their conversation was constantly interrupted by people describing their ailments and asking the doctor for free medical advice.

After an hour of this, the exasperated doctor asked the lawyer, "What do you do to stop people from asking you for legal advice when you're out of the office?"

"I give it to them," replied the lawyer, "and then I send them a bill."

The doctor was shocked, but agreed to give it a try.

The next day, still feeling slightly guilty, the doctor prepared the bills.

When he went to place them in his mailbox, he found a bill from the lawyer.

I'm Innocent, I swear!Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora