Chapter 19- Liam, here I come!

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dedicated to xxEchoSongxx for being the 100th vote! lol thanks so much! ;D

P.S. who do you guys think should play Kara? i was thinking mila kunis? let me know if you agree or have some one better! :p


I gripped Liam tighter as he revved the motorcycle faster. Getting the courage to peek over his shoulder I saw the light turn yellow, instead of slowing down he went faster. I turned and the cops had stopped since they had to wait for the traffic.

Liam turned and his eyes danced with amusement and excitement. That's when I saw his eyes, they weren't brown, nope they were a beautiful greyish blue. He caught my stare and winked before looking forward and making a sharp right.

Shaking out of my dream about swimming in his eyes I realized we were going at a reasonable speed and we were somewhere downtown. Turning into an alley he quickly turned off the bike and jump off.

"That was a rush, wasn't it?" He beamed taking off his helmet.

Trying to catch my breath I nodded. He chuckled at my state and unfastened the helmet shaking my head out of it. "You would say! You almost got me arrest, again!" I shrieked as I jumped off the bike.

"Calm down, princess. There's no need to exaggerate, plus its John not Liam so chill out before I ditch you."

I mouth fell open so much for thinking Liam was a stranger at least I kidnapped him before, now I really was with a stranger. "Where's Liam?"


Someone has an attitude!

"Why didn't he pick me up?" I asked curiosity over taking me.

"What are you, a cop now?" He said giving me a dirty look and walking away from the alleyway where he stashed the bike.

"Your eyes!" I shouted, "you really are John! How disgusting." I shrieked again while gaging as I trailed behind him. Just my luck. I get stuck with the devil twin!

"Listen up, cutie," he growled coming to a halt, "I'm not my stupid brother, I could careless if I leave you out here, by yourself in the middle of nowhere defenseless. Now shut up before you don't get fed."

Once again my mouth flung open and I just huffed out of fear of truly being ditched again, especially downtown at these hours of the night.

"That's a good girl," he smirked petting my head like a dog. Oooh he so lucky he's in control right now because he would be missing a limb otherwise. Jerk!

He walked with confidence as I wearily trailed behind him. Man, I should have just stayed with Collins atleast he was nicer.

"After you," he smirked again as he held the door open of a small diner. Glaring at him I walked in.

"John! What a surprise." A voice cried from behind the counter, "where's Liam? I haven't seen him in like years." The old Mrs. Santa Clause look-alike gushed.

"He's home. His car broke down so I had to come and pick up his," he looked at me with curiosity, "friend."

"Oh my, Liam has a friend?" Mrs. Clause smiled turning my direction, "and look at her! She beautiful. Liam is so lucky."

"Yeah right," John coughed discreetly.

I smiled kindly at the old lady and when she turned to lead us to our table I got the balls and punched John on the arm as hard as I could.

Pfft! I was too beautiful and I was great for any man! Hmph, Liam would be lucky!

"Here you go, sweeties. I'll be back for your orders." The old lady disappeared leaving me with a not so happy John.

"Next time you punch me I'll have one of my ex-girlfriends cut you up," he hissed rubbing his arm.

"Safe it. I know all your crazy chicks and they love me so ha!"

"I doubt it."

"Diana is the craziest," I said lazily while looking at my nails, "and she loves me the most so if anyone should be careful it should be you, John."

His face displayed disbelief, but he didn't press the subject instead he rolled his beautiful eyes and looked at the menu. "I feel like getting pancakes."

I picked up my menu and there is was, the biggest, most delicious looking chocolate cake covered in mouth-watering glaze stood there on the corner of the page taunting and teasing as I tried to look at real food.

"John," a familiar voice rang, "Babel? What hell are you doing here?!"

I looked up and to my surprise there stood the one and only Diana. And she didn't look too happy.

"Hi, Diana," I squeaked, "its not what you think, I swear."

"Yeah?" She roared, clearly upset, "then what exactly is it?" She started swing her arms around making her bleach blonde hair airborne and talking to herself. I see why John likes her, they are both crazy.

People started to look at the commotion that was erupting and some started to film it with their cellphones. Hello youtube, here I come!

I looked over to John who was just sitting back with his arms cross over his chest with a smug smile on his lips, well he's surely enjoying this.

When he got my 'what the hell' look he simply shrugged and smiled wider. I growled and nodded to the door. He nodded in understanding and before Diana came back from coocoo land we bounced rushing out the diner like cheetahs.

"What was that about?" I hissed as we powered walked back to the alleyway.

He looked down at me and smirked. "I thought you knew Diana?"

"Well, yeah but not psycho-killer Diana. I didn't think she was that crazy, specially over you, your nothing special."

His eyes turned into slits as he shot poisonous daggers at me. We walked in silence. All the lights flashed against the night sky lighting up the streets an eerie orange color.

"Can you take me to Liam?" I asked once we had reached his bike.


"What are you? A cop?" I retorted as I slipped on the helmet smiling smugly.


And with that we hoped on his motorcycle and took off to find the nicer twin, thank goodness.


Dun dun... Did you see it coming? Hmm...

I hope this one is longer :D

So we finally meet John, do you like him? Let me know! :)

Vote, comment, fan! :) it'll mean tons!

do you guys like Babel? yeah? lol well then check out Drive Thru! follow Rain on a new adventure! Lol. Ima post chapter 1 soon! :D

Joke # 19

Two cannibals, a father and son, were elected by the tribe to go out and get something to eat. They walked deep into the jungle and waited by a path.

Before long, along came this little old man. The son said, "Ooh dad, there's one." "No," said the father. "There's not enough meat on that one to even feed the dogs. We'll just wait."

Well, a little while later, along came this really fat man. The son said, "Hey dad, he's plenty big enough." "No," the father said. "We'd all die of a heart attack from the fat in that one. We'll just wait."

About an hour later, here comes this absolutely gorgeous woman.

The son said, "Now there's nothing wrong with that one dad. Let's eat her."

"No," said the father. "We'll not eat her either."

"Why not?" asked the son.

"Because, we're going to take her back alive and eat your mother."


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