Chapter 17- you get one phone call, Napoleon.

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i dedicate this to myself because, well i am Napoleon sometimes and i was supposed to be him for halloween :/ which didnt happen, but its all good.... ejnoy!


"Maybe you'd like to go back to the holding cell," Collins chuckled, "I mean you'll probably meet another one of your buddies in there...again."

"Hey! What is that suppose to mean?" I growled. I don't like being offended!

"It means that your a criminal that hangs out with more criminals." He retorted calmly. Gosh! What went up his butt?

"I want my phone call."

"What? Who are you going to call? Kara ditched you, and well I'm pretty sure all your other friends are arrested."

There he goes insulting me again! I shoved my hand in my pockets furious. I was not a criminal, well at least not a bad one. That's when I felt it. My life saver! My angel sent from hell!

"Don't worry about it Officer Collins," I spat glaring at him, "its none of your business. And besides I'm sure your getting sick of me, like I am of you, soo," I said getting up, "let's getta' movin' officer!" I quickly made my way to the door and waited. Maybe he didn't hear me, I should say it louder.

"Sit down," his voice boomed, but I didn't move, "now!" That's when I moved and quickly. I sat down like lightning and looked at my hands as I twisted them in abstract shapes, "look at me Babel," raising my eyes slowly I came in contact with the pools of water he had for eyes, yet these were raging with unknown emotions, "and listen carefully. I enjoy your company, that's true, but we are not here to become friends. I need to know what happened. I need to know the truth." His eyes pleading, but I just didn't want to talk anymore.

"Listen, Officer," I spat back, my feelings hurt. He was just using me! Jerk! "I. Want. My. Phone. Call! If not I'll ask for my lawyer and then sue for unfair treatment then it'll be your ass on the line."

He looked at me intently, his face showing defined anger lines around his lips and forehead with his eyebrows furrowed in concentration. "Very well Babel, if that's what you want."

He quickly got up and I followed him silently quite tempted to make a run for it again. I mean come on a simple charge like running from the cops doesn't compare to kidnapping, attempted murder, and grand theft auto so its not a big deal.

We passed a payphone and several office phones after that, but we kept walking, "Hey, where are we going?" I called jogging to keep up with his speedy gonzalez walk.

Before I knew it I was in an office. A very nice one at that with a big desk and lots of metals and awards hung around the room. "Make your call," he said pointing to a light blue phone.

"Why here?"

"Just do it before I take you back to the holding cell," He growled.

"Fine, fine. Don't bite my head off." I pulled out the card Liam gave me turning my back to Collins. I punched in the numbers rapidly and waited tapping my finger impatiently.


"Liam!" I shouted happily, "can you- hey? What the hell?"

"You called Liam? Criminal Liam?" Collins barked in disbelief.

"You hung up on my phone call? I better get another one!" I shouted back.

"Why would you call Liam? Him of all people!" He removed his finger from the phone and glared at me.

"What went up your ass?" I finally blurted out, "its none of your business, gosh!"

His face immediately changed backing away and looking sheepishly at me. Mood swings much? "Sorry, Napoleon." He muttered.

"Can I have my call- hey! I'm not short!"

Amuse crossed his face lightening his eyes dramatically. "Short? I was taking about," he slumped his shoulders and bowed his head, "gosh! Why are you so annoying? Gosh... Get it?" He asked laughing.

"Dynamite? Really? Mature much?" I tried saying seriously, but I just busted out laughing midway. He was like the hundredth person to call me that. Gosh!

"Okay," Collins smiled straightening up, "hurry up with your call." I raised a questioning eyebrow, "and I promise I won't hang it up this time."

I nodded wiping up some drool that slipped out the corner of my mouth. I punched in the number again and waited.

"Hello? Babel, is that you?"

"Liam, hey," I said shyly. Maybe I should have called someone else...

"You need me to pick you up at the station, huh?" The big smirk on his face was audible.

"No...okay yes."

"Sure thing, I'll be there in a few. Bye, Babel."

"Bye, Liam. Thank you," I smiled and hung up. Well, I guess now we wait...


Getting longer eh? Lol.  

Anyways I'm think of a cast, and I was wondering if you guys had some actors in mind.... If you do please let me know, I'm kinda lost at the moment... Its soooo hard! -___- and I hope your enjoying the story so far :D

Joke # 17

The teacher asked little Johnny to use the word " definitely " in a sentence.

Little Johnny replies, "Teacher, do farts have lumps in them?"

The Teacher says, "Of course not Johnny,"

To which Johnny replies, "Then I have definitely s**t my pants".

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