Chapter 28- Dismissed?!

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“Did you just poke my brother?!” John said shocked standing up. He looked appalled, but I wasn’t buying it. He had something in mind, and I don’t think I like it.

“What are you going to do?” Collins challenged. He clearly didn’t like John or Liam, especially not Liam.

“Police brutality! Police brutality! Police brutality!” 

I looked at John in disbelief as his deep, manly voice rang through the room and he banged the walls and the table. In no time the room was swarmed with cops and we all went down….including Collins. 

Shit….I think I should have just confessed. 

*  *  *

“ I can’t believe you!” I shrieked at John, “Why would you do this?” I held my cuffed hands in his face. We were ALL in a holding cell, well except Kara because she conveniently fainted. I still couldn’t process properly the fact that we had all gotten arrested and shoved in a cell. I guess there was no hope, I was going to do big time.

“Well, I wouldn’t have done anything if your little cop boyfriend kept his hands to himself,” John chuckled. 

“You think this is amusing?” I growled getting up from the bench. I wanted to jump on John and just strangle him. He seems to make everything worse.

“Yeah, I find this pretty funny actually. Cops abusing their power, crazy girls getting arrested, and somehow me and my brother are in the middle of it. Its pretty funny.” he shrugged still chuckling lightly. I guess he was right, this was mostly our fault, but did he really have to complicate things so much?

“How did I abuse my power?!” Collins asked calmly, which surprised all of us. He was seated on the bench next to me, his eyes closed, and his head leaning against the wall. 

“Who said I was talking about you?” John asked rolling his eyes, “You aren’t the only cop here. It was that chick, Jackson I think. God, she needs to get her-”

“Hey,” Liam said in a warning tone, he was standing up leaning again the far wall of the cell. He looked exhausted, hell we all did, “I’m pretty sure you deserved to get tased.”

“She tased you?” Collins asked cracking up. His eyes opening and looking at John, who wasn’t one bit happy. I grinned too tired to laugh, but I’ll laugh about it later after I get hours, many hours of sleep.

“What’s so funny about that?” John growled looking intently at Collins. Liam sighed closing his eyes. I frowned, I feel bad, this is all my fault in a way. I got him arrested, again.

“She isn’t suppose to handle tasers,” Collins said sobering up from his laugh-attack, “she gets carried away.”

“I am so suing,” was John’s curt reply, but by the way his eyes were shining and roaming the room he had something else in mind. I closed my eyes and leaned back, this isn’t how I thought I would end up, but whatever. 

“Hey, Collins,” I asked.


“Why are you here too?”

“Eh,” he said with a hint of humor in his voice, “I don’t know.”

I was going to keep questioning him further, but I honestly didn’t have anymore energy in my system. I needed some sugar, pronto. It seems odd though, how can cops arrest a cop while he’s on duty? Is that even possible. And why is he so calm? And where is Garcia? Oh, and does he have left over donuts?

“Collins,” a elderly and familiar voice called. I opened my eyes and there stood Garcia with none other then a pink frosted donut in his hand. The frosting melting down the side of the golden brown dough, the bright sprinkles calling my name loudly, tempting me to sink my teeth deep into its deliciousness. I sighed and closed my eyes again, I couldn’t ask for one. I’ve put everyone through enough trouble already. Garcia should enjoy his delicious, mouth-watering donut alone, undisturbed, but man its so…

“Babel, twins, you guys too.” I stood, still with my eyes closed. Here we go again, back into a the interrogation room. I groaned. 

“Come on Babel,” Liam whispered grabbing a hold of me and gently walking me out the cell.

“Your father is angry, Aiden, extremely angry. I still don’t know why I didn’t notice the difference earlier. We could’ve all gotten fired, boy. You know that right?” 

I opened my eyes. Who’s Aiden?

“I know, I’m sorry, Garcia. I shouldn’t have agreed.” 

“You know that this whole case is dismissed and your brother has been suspended for a week without pay?”

“What’s going on?” I interjected no longer feeling sleepy. Brother, case dismissed, Aiden?! What the hell was going here!


what do you think is going on? hmm....

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