chapter 6- Suspicious? Sure. Guilty? Not on purpose.

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Chapter 6

"Ohmygawd," I said in a rush clutching my chest, "could you not slam the door?"

"Why does it scare you?" He smirked. Man, for a cop he sure acts like a high schooler. Its hot.

"Actually, no. But you should warn people your coming with a face like that." I smirked but quickly frowned, it sounded more like a compliment then an insult. Damn!

He coughed loudly and sat across the table again. "Back to the matter at hands young lady."

"Who's says I'm a lady?" I challenged. He raised an eyebrow with his eyes glistening bright.

"That's true. You did try to kill someone," his voice curious laced with disbelief.

"Its not like that, I swear."

"Yeah? Care to explain then?" He pulled out three black and white pictures. In each of the pictures Kara and I made an appearance. The first one entering the hospital very suspiciously. The second one of a long hallway with Kara running with her hands flapping around crazily and me with my hands covering my face shirtless. The third was of us existing the hospital with scrubs on looking far more suspicious then before.

"How do you know that's me?" I questioned trying to look solid and unmoved by the evidence that laid before me. It was a good question since my face wasn't caught by the cameras.

"Lift up your shirt," he said casually.

My face turn to mush in embarrassment and disbelief. Was I hearing correctly. "Wha-what?" I stuttered. I am not going to expose myself in a police station!

"Either you do it voluntary or I'll have the wildebeest do it for you," his grin was unbelievably sexy and alluring as his voice seemed to be replaying itself in my brain. I nodded in defeat. I don't want to face that beast, well not until I'm free. Then when I see her on my turf its on!

"Can you take my handcuffs off first?"  

He nodded and I stood up. As he walked and stood behind me his breath tickled my neck filling my skin with goosebumps. "Hold still," he whispered in my ear. It sounded so husky and seductive that it made my insides heat up with want.

"There," he huffed releasing me. Setting me free.

"I wasn't even moving," I stated as he moved back to his seat all the way across the table.

"I know," he smiled. It was a big and hot one. His teeth showing, straight and white, almost blinding. "Now pull that shirt up."

I glared at him a few seconds before doing what he said. I moved slow and very provocatively. His eyes never left mine. This greenish blue eyes danced in their sockets. I don't know if it was because I was amusing or he liked embarrassing me.

"Stop," he smiled. his eyes darting to my left hip, "there." He lifted his arm and pointed. I looked down and cursed. I had forgotten about my tattoo, "And that is why we now know for sure it was you running out the hospital. Now have a seat and explain."

"Fine," I huffed. I guess this is one of my many secret I wouldn't be able to take to the grave.


Dun, dun.... What do you think happened in that hospital?

(P.S please forgive my mistakes for I haven't edited it yet :) thanks)

joke #6

An Englishman and Indian inside the toilet..

Englishman: Good evening, how do u do?

Indian: Good evening, we open the zip and do!


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