Chapter 17: Angry Jackson

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I wake up to someone kissing my shoulder, well I don't exactly open my eyes, I keep them closed while I silently enjoy it. There's only one person who would kiss me like this, Jackson. But there's something off, I don't feel the sparks I usually feel when he kisses me.

"Enjoying this babe?" That's not his voice.

I open my eyes to see a stranger kissing my neck now. I can't scream because there's duck tape on my mouth and four people are holding my arms and legs.

Who the fuck are you?! I yell into his mind.

You don't remember me? He whines in my mind.

Should I?

Baby, it's me, Jack.

I haven't heard that name since third grade. He told me he was madly in love with me and believed that I was his mate. I yelled at him to leave me alone but he wouldn't. It got to be too much to where I had to tell my parents and that's when my mom started home schooling me. My dad argued with her and said that I need to learn how to fight my own battles but she won by saying that it cost money for me to go to school.

Get. The. Fuck. Off. Of. Me. I growl.

I thought mates were suppose to love each other. I love you Sophia, you should love me because of the mate bond, he tries to reason with me but I'm not taking any of that bullshit.

Look at my shoulder, I try to smile but I can't because of the tape.

I feel him slide my shirt off from my right shoulder where my mark is. Who the fuck is Jackson?

My actual mate.

Jack looks at his buddies and probably tells them to let me go through the mind link because soon I'm standing  against the wall with Jack facing me, at least he took off the tape. I can't escape though, his guys are blocking off all possible exits. Unless...

Jackson, I mind link my actual mate.

Sophia, is there something wrong? I love how he can read me way better than anyone else.

Suddenly an idea popped into my mind, No, I just wanted to hear your voice, I try to sound happy.

I made breakfast for you.

Ok, I'll be out in a little bit, I block him out of my mind so I can concentrate on my plan.

"Jack," I say smiling, "kiss me."

"So you choose me over your so called mate," he murmurs then inches closer to kiss me.

Before he could kiss me, I change into Phia and scare the shit out of everyone in the room.

"Sophia! Are you all right?!" I hear Jackson call.

The room is kinda small for five wolves so Jack and I are the only ones that changed into our wolves. His wolf is russet colored and small compared to my huge white wolf. Jackson opens the door to see two wolves circling each other, looking for an opening to attack.

"Stand down," the alpha's command does nothing to me but in Jack's brown eyes I see a mental fight going on. Should he stop or go against an alpha command? Jackson growls and Jack steps back saying that he has surrendered but I know him better than that, he surrenders to nobody. The alpha and wolf stare at each other, the wolf is brave enough to step up to the mighty alpha and challenge him.

Outside guys, I tell both of them. If they are going to fight then they should do it outside where there's more room.

Jackson is pissed that Jack was here and plus Jack is challenging him. I really hope Jackson wins because Jack is a rouge and who has ever heard of a rouge alpha? Rouges don't like to follow rules. This fight is going to be interesting.


Hey guys, I just wanna tell u that im so so so so so so so sorry I haven't updated in like forever.

Please comment and vote 😁

-Wolf Girl ❤️🐾

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