Chapter 15- A Written Invitation

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His footsteps echoed up the stairway as she mindlessly walked behind him. He was wearing all black, and it was very dark, and so, only his bleach blonde hair drifted along in front of her. She shivered, there was a chill in the air, and she had foolishly left the common room in her pyjamas. She didn't say anything as they walked up the stairs. The silence spoke a thousand words. This meeting felt personal, romantic if you will.

He pushed open the door and strolled into the room. Hermione stood in the doorway. He turned to her slowly, and smiled a cool smile. It wasn't a smirk, it was much friendlier, a smile that cared. Her stomach flipped over. She furrowed her brow.

"So are we going to scheme or what?" He laughed at her expression and turned away. "Two Ravenclaws like us are sure to figure it out."

Hermione wandered past him to railing, leaning over and glancing up at the magnificent, twinkling sky. She began pondering how in the world they would get Ginny Weasley to fess up. She was a very stubborn girl, and hated admitting defeat, even to the ones she trusted the most. Now that I think about it, this is going to be more difficult than I considered, she thought. Well, more difficult than we both considered.

Draco had come to stand beside her, unaffected by her lack of response. She supposed he understood that she was in deep thought.

"Why don't we send her a letter?" He asked quietly, turning to her.

"What do you mean?"

"You know, like the one she sent us? It'll be a good payback."

She shrugged, disinterested with the whole thing. Something was playing on her mind, like static over and over, and she just couldn't decipher it.

"We'll ask her to meet us somewhere," He continued. "We'll confront her then."

She turned to look into his eyes and he looked right back into hers. His eyes were bright with deviousness and mischief. Those grey eyes outshone the stars tonight.

"Sounds perfect." She replied after a few seconds. Suddenly a thought came to mind.

"But what if she refuses to meet us?

Now it was his turn to furrow his eyebrows. He paused and turned away from her. She practically saw the gears turning in his head.

"If she doesn't meet us, we'll- I mean you, of course, will sneak into her dorm, grab her and take her up here for interrogation!"

Hermione raised her eyebrows, and he quickly assumed a sheepish expression.

"Isn't that a bit much?" She questioned with a giggle. It was not long before they both broke into laughter.

"I have an idea!" She said, their fit of merriment finally over. "We'll follow her into the Great Hall for breakfast and sit on either side of her at the Griffindor table."

"That way she'll be sure to get up, and get so frustrated Ginny will just have to admit she did it!"

Both of them smiling, they high fived and leaned back onto the railing, smiling and looking out at the stars, pleased with their ability to create a plan. Until then she hadn't realised that it was quite late at night, and they really shouldn't be doing this kind of thing. Perks of having a Slytherin as a roommate, she supposed.

"We sure make a great team,"

"We sure do." She said happily, and she meant it.


Draco walked into the common room and looked around, his books from Transfiguration in his arms. There were many Ravenclaws doing various things, but none with soft caramel eyes and bushy brown hair.

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