Reena - Back at Home

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Dr. Wallace, my uncle, demanded that he drove me home. This idea came about after both me and my mom refused that I go and live with him. It's not that I don't want to but I have a lot to take care of, my mom being the most important.

While I was in the hospital in induced coma the police arrested Samual but released him because my mother decided not to press charges. My uncle was furious because it just wasn't her life that was at risk but mine too. She keeps doing this and that's why he continues to do whatever the hell he likes because there aren't any repercussions for his actions.

I really was going to say yes the offer but I have to help my mom, she wouldn't come with us. She said she would remain at her house, but I know if she does with how her mind is set right now, I might never see her again. So after I help her, then maybe I won't even have to leave because it'll be just like when I was a kid.

Then there's the baby, I have enough time before my stomach starts showing. When I made it clear I was going to keep it, my mom shook her head and began sobbing. She didn't say anything when her brother informed her, she just looked at me and my stomach. I told her who the father is and she got up and left the room. My uncle smiled sadly at me and told me not to worry about it, she just needs time to process everything.

I hope he's right because I'm going to need her strength and wisdom.

As we drive up to the house, I feel my heart beginning to beat more rapidly. I try to calm myself by closing my eyes and telling myself to calm down. I've lived here since forever, and there's no way I can be afraid of our house.

When the car stops, it takes me a few seconds before I make my way out, then up to the door. I take a few deep breaths before I go inside, when I look behind me I notice my mom and uncle watching me.

I turn back around and move further into the house, and when I come to the stairs that lead up to my room, my head grows heavy and my throat closes up. All I can see is him holding me by the throat and me fighting for air. Suddenly I can't breathe and before I know it I'm running to get outside because I literally can't breathe. Once I reach the doorway, I fall to the hard ground and gasp as I fight to get air in my lungs. I hear my uncle and when I open my eyes, he's kneeling beside me.

"I'm sorry, I just need a minute." I wipe the tears away and try to stop the sobbing.

"I was afraid of this." He says as he continues to stare. When I look at him I know exactly what he's talking about.

"You knew?" My breathing is slowing and I can feel my head coming back online.

"I thought it might happen but I wasn't sure."

"So that's why you came along, to test your theory?" I stand and grimace when a slight pain runs from one side to the next.

He stands, sighing. "I care about you, Reena."

The anger disappears because I know this to be true. "I can't leave her here."

"I know."

"So what'll I do?" I bite my lip when I start remembering falling down the stairs and how it felt like it wouldn't end. Cold bumps form on my arms and I run my bands over them.

"Well, since you're already aware I think you now have the upper hand. You were just caught off guard."


Pregnant At SixteenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon