Reed Max - The Talk

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That morning I wake up to see nine missed calls from Sheldon, but it's not until I see the three messages that it hits me, I missed the party last night. And worse, I didn't let him know I wasn't coming.

I immediately hit redial, wiping my eyes out and yawning.

"I'm gonna kill you." He says as soon as he answers.

I laugh at his drowsy but still angry voice, "Good morning to you too sunshine."

"Cut the crap, Max. Where the hell were you last night?"

"Man, I went over to see Reena−"

"Oh," he says, sounding much calmer, "she finally told you. You're welcome."

"Thanks. And Yeah, she did. And I told my parents."

He laughs loudly, "How did that go down? I know your mom must've been spitting nails."

"She was but then she calmed down, would you believe my dad was the calmer and more reasonable of the two."

"He always is."

"Yeah, but I wasn't expecting him to be with something like this."


"But my mom wants me to take her for dinner..."

Again he laughs and I want to strangle him,


He stops, "Today, today."


"Shit. Well, just don't let your mom get Reena alone or else she'll be asking questions going way back to when she was in her mother's womb."

I laugh because I know it's the truth and I can just see my mom doing exactly that. "I hope she doesn't."

"Tell your dad to make sure she doesn't. He'll hold her down for sure."

"Yeah man," I hear a knock on my door, "Look I'll hit you up later."



I end the call just as my dad steps in.

"Max, we need to talk."


"Okay," I sit up, moving to the edge of the bed and he sits beside me, "about what?"

He looks right at me "You know about what."

I nod and look elsewhere. "Reena, that's her name. Reena Waters."

"You like her?" he asks and I nod.

"And what about Isla, do you still have feelings for her?"

I don't respond immediately, instead, I think about the question, wanting to give an honest answer, "Yes I do, but it's not like that anymore. She was a part of my life, we were best friends and everything. I fell in love and it didn't work, but that doesn't mean I'll forget about her like she was nothing. That wouldn't make me look like a good person."

He smiles and rests his hand on my shoulder, "I understand. But Reena, do you love her?"

"Dad, to be honest, we didn't have sex because we loved each other. She was at my party and well, I had my eyes on her for months now and it just happened. I tried to back out at the last minute, but I wanted her."

He nods, taking in everything I'm saying.

"I really do like her, really do. In all honesty, I do see myself falling in love with her, but I need time for that to happen. And now, with her deciding to carry my child even though her mom doesn't want her to, it means a great deal to me because she's willing to sacrifice her future for both of us."

Dad looks at me, frowning. "Her mom wants her to have an abortion?"

I nod, "She told me yesterday that her mom thinks she's ruining her life by keeping it, and I know mom's worried about my future too, but it's really hers that's in jeopardy dad. It's more on her than me. Way more, especially since her own mother doesn't even support her."

"Oh, so you do get it because I was wondering if you understood just how much of this girl's life is going to be affected."

"I know it will, I thought about it all of last night."

My dad exhales a deep breath, "She's really a nice girl, isn't she?"

"She is and you know I'm more interested in personality than what's on the surface."

"Yes, because that's how we raised you after all." He smiles proudly at me and I nod.

"And dad, don't let mom interrogate her too much, please."

He laughs and stands, "Already have that under control son. I'll be on your mother like white on rice."

I look up and smile. "Thanks, dad."

He turns to leave but stops, "Max, you'll be a good father. I'm sure."

I stay silent as he quits the room. His words echo in my head for the rest of the night but I have a hard time believing them myself because I fear I might mess things up.

Sighing deeply, I move from the bed to the window where I stare out at the stars and try clouding my thoughts about the one person that must truly be scared. Reena, and that's when I pause as the realization sinks in. If Reena can do this with no support from her mother, then so can I. I'll not only be a great father but I'll be everything for her as well, her rock, her friend, her complete support system.


Thanks to everyone for reading my story! This one's for y'all.

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