Reena - School back in session.

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It's already been a week since I've been back at school and well, everyone knows I'm pregnant now. There's no way I can hide it any longer. I tried being confident as I walked into school with my round taunt stomach but the more people stared the more I felt embarrassed. I feel fat and I'm walking like a penguin, plus I just hate it when people stare. I get really self conscious and it's already hard enough being pregnant. I could've made it easier by having Reed with me but I wanted to do this alone, I really don't know why, I just wanted to.

So I took a early ride with my uncle and waited by the field until I knew it was time to go inside. Persons stared and gasped but it was when persons started throwing out words like "slut", "whore" and "fat pig" that I began to feel depressed. I went to my locker and just went to my class, where more persons stared and whispered things about me.

By lunch period I wanted to cry, but I saw Reed and had to pretend everything was okay. He hugged me for a long time, ignoring all the looks we got and the talks behind his back. As much as I was a mess mentally, that hug hug meant everything.
When he took me to the cafeteria and walked me over to where Sheldon was sitting, I wanted to leave more than anything. Sheldon definitely saw how uncomfortable I was and even pointed it out to Reed,

"Reena, you okay?" Sheldon looks at me while I stare at my round belly.

"Yeah, just... tired." I look up and give Sheldon a small smile.

"You sure, I can take you home if you want." Reed turns to me and rubs my back, and just tense and push his hand away.

"I'm fine, really. I just..." Before I can finish my eyes burn and the tears come. I place my hand over my eyes and try not to sob.

"Reena?" He holds me and wraps his arms around my waist, "What's wrong?"

"I just hate it here." A sob breaks free and I clamp my hand over my mouth and shake, "They called me a slut." I whisper in his ear and he grows rigid.

"Who?" I shake my head.


He prys my hands away from my face and forces my head up, to look at him. "You're nothing but a blessing. And I love you and that's all that matters."

I bite my lip and he leans in, kissing me on my chin. "Okay Reena?"

"Okay Reed."

Sheldon wipes a fake tear and sniffles, "Goals."

I giggle and Reed shakes his head. "Try commitment first."

Sheldon grabs his chest dramatically and looks at Reed with a overly hurt expression. "What ever do you mean?"

Reed shakes his head and runs his hand through my curls, it soothes me and I relax more in his arms.

He's about to say something when an all too familiar voice stops him,
"Reeeed. How was your break?" I turn to see Alyssa and Amilda staring at me with disgust, "A bit too eventful we see." Alyssa eyes drop to my round belly and she narrows her eyes.

"What's it to you?" His voice is neutral, but I can hear the underlying anger.

"Oh nothing." Amilda says, smiling at him.

"We just thought if you were to get someone pregnant, it would atleast be someone who is from the good gene pool."

"My thoughts exactly ladies, and I guess that explains why I got Reena pregnant. She's perfect." He looks at me so intensely, I blush and look away.

Sheldon laughs. "Don't you two have anything better to do?"

Alyssa shots glares at him and flips her hair over her shoulder. "Well it's good to see you happy with another guys leftovers."

My chest deflates and I try to breathe. "I think it's best if you two leave."

They both laugh and Reed glares at them. "Definitely touched a nerve with that one, huh." Alyssa arches a brow and stands there defiantly.

Suddenly I'm finding it hard to breathe. I begin noticing the other eyes that are staring and their mouths whispering. I've never felt so self conscious than I do now and I'm about to lose it.

"Should've known this was the reason you were all 'into' her. She's pregnant. " Alyssa stares at me and smirks.

"Bet it's not even yours." She giggles, narrowing her eyes.

I don't know what happens next, because I'm up and moving fast to the nearest exit that will get me out of here. I need to get out. I need some fresh air. I need to be outside.

I cannot do this.

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