Reena - Our First Dr. Visit

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Today school was more difficult than it normally is, I'm behind on my assignments and of course, I'm pregnant. The late assignments aren't really the problem, but the pregnancy is. I felt like crap all day, and I still do. I can't eat or stand the smell of anything because all I want to do is throw up. My back hurts and I'm just tired.

I haven't seen Max all morning and I wish I would, I don't know why I just need to see him. I run my hand over my stomach then adjust my sweater to make it less visible. I pull up my leggings, but it only reaches up to my butt which is very uncomfortable. Before coming out the bathroom, I take a deep breath and pull the door but only to bump into the two last person's I wanted to see. Amilda and Alyssa.

"Look who we have here?" Amilda says to me, giving me a smirk.

I sigh in response and try to move in between them, but they block me. "We're talking to you, show a little respect even if you are trash."

Rolling my eyes, I smile and look at both of them. "Are you both finish?"

They look at me annoyed because they can't get the reaction they want.

Alyssa moves up to my face and I smile at her, "I don't know what Reed sees in you. He's way out of your league."

I step closer and just smile, "Excuse me, please."

She reluctantly moves and I walk to the car lot, where I see Reed standing by his car with his phone at his ear. When he sees me, he smiles and walks up to me, taking my bag.

"I've been calling you since morning." He kisses me on the forehead and I relax into his warm embrace.

"Sorry, I forgot my phone."

He gives me a "Really?" look and I laugh.
"I'm for real," I rub my belly and sigh, "I get so tired and I can hardly remember anything."

He pushes my chin up and runs his finger across my lips, "Thanks for doing this."

His words cause me to pause and I smile, "Thanks for being here with me."

He kisses me on my lip and runs his hand across my belly, "I wouldn't want to be anywhere else."

We hug and for the first time, I don't want to let go. That's until a nauseating feeling takes over and I grip him as I try taking very deep breaths.

"You okay?" he says in my ear and I shake from the weak feeling that grips me, but he holds me up until the feeling disappears and my strength returns.

"The baby," I say when he lets me go and smiles.

His phone chirps and he removes it from his pocket and looks at it, "Mom's waiting, time to go."

He guides me to the car, opens my door and I sit. He goes around and sits in his seat and we drive to the hospital.

The entire ride, he tells me how great training is going and how he thinks his team has a good chance of making it out the quarter finals. I listen and nod at everything he says, even going as far as to give my input. It's nice talking to him because I love seeing the look on his face as he talks about what he loves.

When we pull into the driving lot at the clinic, he lets me out and helps me inside where I see his mom waiting. She gets up and smiles at me, then scolds Reed for being late. I laugh because it really is my fault, but I don't say anything, I just stand behind his mom and make funny faces.

"Anyways, I already made the appointment, and as you can see, there isn't anyone here."

Mrs. Max walks up to the receptionist at the desk and she signals for me to follow her. We do.

Once I'm in the room, she takes me vitals, weight, everything, then leaves. Then a doctor appears and she tells me to lie on the table. Reed helps me to lie down while his mom stands to the side as the doctor puts on her gloves and hooks up the machine,

"Hello Ms. Reena, do you mind me calling you that?"

"No, it's fine." I reply smiling, and she returns the smile.

"Right, so you are pregnant. Do you know how far along you are?"

"Well it happened the first week of September, and we're a week away from December so, I'm almost out of my first trimester?"

She smiles and rolls my shirt up, "We'll find out."

"This is going to be a cold okay."

She squeezes some gel on her finger and applies it to my stomach. I gasp at first, squeezing Reeds hand and he giggles. I narrow my eyes at him and he bites his lips, this time his mom laughs and I giggle.

The machine lights up and I hear a thumping that's draw all our attention to the machine.

At first I don't see anything, then the doctor starts pointing and showing us the baby. I can't help but smile, and when I look at Reed he's grinning so wide I can see all of his teeth.

"You're eleven weeks, and everything looks good. The baby's heart beat is strong."

"That's great." Mrs. Max says and she nods.

"Yes it is." The nurse from before comes in and hands her some papers, she looks at them then at me.

"Only problem is you."

Reed stiffens and looks from his mom to her, "What do you mean?"

"Her health Mr. Reed. Her health is not robust and that, is a major problem."


Happy Reading and a Merry Christmas! 🎊

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