Reed Max - Christmas Day

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It has been weeks since Reena's doctor visit and her health still isn't were its suppose to be. The doctor has placed her on medication while at the same time has encouraged her to maintain her diet of iron intake.

She still tires easily and talks about how weak she feels, especially in the day and worse now that it's snowing. School isn't helping either, but I know she will not miss her classes. Not after she's so close to seeing her dreams of graduating with a good GPA so she can get into a good college. I support her and help where I can, but sometimes she wants to do things by herself and I let her, but not too much.

Today my entire family is going to be here, because for Thanksgiving they all decided to go to my aunts. I stayed with Reena of course, and my parents agreed even if some of the family didn't.

It's Christmas and mom is making baked ham and turkey, peppered steak, potato salad, fruit salad and baked bread. Dad, well he's tasting everything. My aunt and uncles are here too, helping and my grandparents on both side, are in the living room talking about the 'good old times'. My nine cousins are here and most of them are on their phones, being antisocial of course, well except for two.

"Wait, so you actually got a girl pregnant?" Lucas asks, grinning and fist bumping me. He's my age and we grew up close as kids, but now he lives in another state. It doesn't matter though, we're still close.

"Stop it Lucas." Summer says, slapping us both. "He's too young to be a damn father." Summer is in college, the same one my mom wants me to attend. Dad just wants me to attend one.

"So where is she?" Lucas asks, brushing Sumner off.

"She's home, I'm going over to pick her up any minute now." At that, they both look at each other then back at me.

"What?" I say, getting up from the bed and moving to the window.

"You're going to take her here?" Lucas asks.

Summer stands up, "For these people to eat her up?"

I shrug like it doesn't bother me and it shouldn't. I don't care what anyone thinks except my parents. "I'm spending Christmas with her."

Summer looks to Lucas who has his eyes on me, "Hell, you really like her don't you."

"Well yes." Summer says, hands on her hips. "He did have sex with her."

Lucas glares at her, "Not like that. He's not only stepping up and being a man, I can see that he genuinely really likes her."

Lucas looks back to me and smiles, "Now you know I have to ask, have you finally gotten over her?"

His question makes me pause and I look out the window. She was special to me, she taught me how to love and be gentle and kind, but she also taught how it feels to have your heart broken and hopes shattered. Then I think of Reena and how much she means to me now, and smile.

"I'm over her." I turn to look at them both so they'll see that I'm serious. "I'll always respect her and have a place for her in my heart, but right now, I'm all about Reena and the life we'll be creating together."

Summer covers her mouth and smiles, while Lucas just stands there staring. "Wow, that was beautiful." Summer says and walks over to give me a hug.

"Not too corny?" I ask and she laughs before responding, "Nope, not to corny at all."

Lucas finally says something but it only earns him a glare from Summer. "Corny 101." he laughs.

I check the time and see that it's almost three, so I decide to leave to go pick up Reena.

"Can we come?" Summer asks and I turn to look at her then Lucas, who nods, "You know we can't stay here with these antisocial tweeps."

Smiling, I shake my head and walk out the door with my cousins behind me.



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