Reed - The Meet

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The entire drive I can see the tension on Reena's face, I tried telling her there wasn't anything to be nervous about, but she just looked at me and then back to the road. When she began biting her nails, I knew this was a huge deal for her.

"Reena, stop biting your nails."

"I can't."

"I know this is a big deal but I promise, nothing bad will happen."

"Ha. That's what you say."

I shake my head, then place a hand on her belly, she smiles at me and stops biting her nails. "Okay, you're right, I'm just over-reacting."

"Thank you."

"But if they don't like me, you owe me a hundred dollars."

I laugh at this and she does too, "I'm serious Reed."

"And if they like you?"

"You still owe me hundred dollars."

I gawk at her and she chuckles. "How is that fair?"

"It isn't." She laughs and I smile, shaking my head.

When I drive into the driveway and kill the engine she just stares at the front door like she's expecting a mob to run out and start chasing her down the street. "Reena Waters, stop thinking so much. Let's go."

"Fine." She says and steps out the car.

I lead her up to the door, open it and step aside for her to walk in. But she doesn't, instead, she pushes me in and hides behind me.

"You can't hide forever," I whisper to her.

"You wanna bet?"

I chuckle and spin on her, taking her in my arms and stare deep into her eyes. I'm just about to kiss her when I hear someone clear their throat.

I look up to see my dad, sipping wine and smiling at me. Meanwhile, Reena has moved back to the door, and she's blushing.

"Dad, this is Reena." He steps forward and extends a hand.

"Hi Reena, I'm Dad."

She laughs at this and I silently thank him for diffusing the awkward tension. "Hi, Mr. Max." She shakes his hand and he smiles at me before turning his attention back to her, "Good save."

"Thank you." She says and he takes her into the kitchen.

I'm right behind them and so, notice when he introduces her to mom.

"Honey, this lovely girl is Reena Waters."

My mom eyes go to Reena's curly hair, to her face, down to her shoes, then back up to her face where she smiles and extends a hand. "Hi, I'm Marge."

"Hi, it's a pleasure meeting you."

"Well, it's great to meet you as well. Can't say we've heard a lot about you since I just knew about you last night." My mom says, still smiling. My dad clears his throat and narrows his eyes at my mother.

"Oh," Reena says, "that's fine. I only just knew your son so I wouldn't expect him to be talking about me to his parents already. That'd be weird. Right, Reed?"

I smile and come up behind her, looking at my mom, "That would be weird."

My mom raises a brow at me and turns back to the stove, "So Reena, Max tells us you're three months pregnant, with his child."

Reena swallows hard and looks at her feet, "Uhm, yeah."

"Are you ready?" she asks, and I see Reena bite her cheek.

She takes a deep breath, "Is anyone ever truly ready?"

My dad laughs and my mom glares at him, "She's right Marge. even you weren't completely ready."

She ignores him, "I know my son is convinced but I still have to ask, is the baby his?"

Reena steps back into me and turns her head to look me in the eye, I move them to look at my mother who's busy looking at my dad whose glaring at her.

Reena turns back around and clears her throat, "Well, he is the first and only so yeah, I'm 100% certain that he is."

"I hope you're not offended but I had to ask."

Reena smiles and nods her head, "I understand, you're only trying to protect your son."

Mom smiles at this, a real smile anyways and Dad looks at me. "Yes, I have to protect him."

She looks at me and I shake my head at her, giving her a small smile. She turns back to the stove.

I leave her to dad.

Reena drops her head and holds my hand, "I need to use the bathroom."

"We'll be right back."

Dad, still looking at mom, nods while my mom waves her knife. When we reach the stairs, I hear my mom and dad and I walk up faster. When we reach the top, she's breathing a bit hard and she looks tired. "Wasn't there one downstairs?"

"Yes, but I didn't want you hearing my mom and dad." She gives me a confused look, "They're arguing right now."

"How do you know? I can't hear a thing."

"I know my dad and what my mom asked you, he's not happy about it."

She nods, and I open my bedroom and lead her in. Her attention falls to the bed and she laughs a little, "Where it all began."

I laugh and sit on the edge and she gives me a wicked look. I pull her face to mine, but she stops me, "I actually really need to use the bathroom."

I let her go, slowly, "Okay."

She walks off and I watch her until she closes the door and I fall back onto the bed. When I hear the door open, I sit back up as she walks over to me and sits beside me. She lays back and yawns, laughing when she notices me watching her, "What, I told you I'm tired."

"Dinner will be ready soon, you can't fall asleep."

"Is that so?" I move closer to her and put my arms under her neck, pulling her head up to my lips. "Yes, it is." I kiss her full on the mouth and she moans sweetly, she pulls me down on top of her but I stop, "This won't affect the baby?"

"You want me on top?" She asks and laughs when I look at her wickedly, "Not what you're thinking you perv."

I kiss her one more time before I hear my dad call me, I sigh and move off her. "I'll be back."


I close the door behind me and meet me dad whose standing in the middle of the stairs, "She okay? Your mother had no right to ask her that and I'm sorry."

"Yeah, she's okay. Mom is always going to be a mom and I would've found it weird if she hadn't asked."

My dad shakes his head and nods, "Isn't that the truth."

"And dad, thanks, for making Reena feel at ease."

He nods, "That's what I'm here for. Your mother brings the fire and I bring the rain."

I laugh at that and he does too. When he returns downstairs I go back to my room to find Reena fast sleep. "I guess you really were tired."

I lift her head and put a pillow under it and take one of the sheets to cover her from the waist down. I move next to her and find her hand, squeezing it and staring at her, when she squeezes back, I smile and kiss her on her forehead.


This part was pretty fun to write!

I pray you guys like it!

Please comment and vote!! : D

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