Reed Max - Isla's back

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Image above is Isla.


Isla smiles and runs up to me, throwing her arms around me. She giggles in my ears and let's go, clasping my hands in hers. "I've missed you."

She drops her head and when she notices my rather confused stare, she lets me go and steps back. "Aren't you going to say you've missed me too?"

Her eyes narrow and for the first time, she looks at Reena.

"Isla, this is my girlfriend Reena."

Reena gives her a nod, but her face just grows angrier and she licks her teeth. "You have a girlfriend." She says it less like a question and more like a statement of fact.

"Yes, I do." She bites her bottom lip, dropping her head to the side and folding her arms. "And she's pregnant."

"Is it yours?"

I hear Reena exhale deeply and I hold her hand. "Well obviously. "

She drops her head back and lets out a loud crackle. "You got her pregnant?" She drops her head then and gives Reena a rather disgusting stare. "Her?!"

I step up and stare at her hard. "Isla don't do this."

"Do what? Oh, wait, you want me to congratulate you on breeding a whore?!"

I snap.

"Don't." Her face grows slack and I try to compose myself. "Are you really that kind of person now? I thought you'd change in Europe, but you're still the same person that left here."

"Don't forget I left you!" She shouts.

"And I'm glad you did because I eventually would."

She marches up to me and shoves me into my chest. "You could never leave me." She smirks as she searches my face. "You loved me, you still love me, Max."

"Yes I am, but I am not in love with you anymore." I turn my head to see Reena staring at me rather blankly. "I've moved on and I've fallen in love with the girl I want to spend my life with."

I look at Reena and she's giving giving me a small smile.When I move to hold her hand, Isla slaps my hand away and grabs my shirt pulling me to her.

"You can't do this. I'm better than her."

I look into her hurt eyes, then down at her hands on my collar and slowly remove them. "Isla, you said it was over and it is over. I've moved on and you need to do so as well."

I hear Reena groan and I turn to her, she's bent at the waist and is breathing hard. I go on my knee and push her hair from her face.

"Reena, what's wrong?"

She grabs a hold of my hand, squeezing it and groans through her gritted teeth. "I'm fine." Her grip lessens and she straightens.

When she notices me staring, she gives me a reassuring smile and holds her belly. "I'm fine, really."

She looks at me and looks away, "She's still here."

Without even turning, I address Isla. "You should probably leave."

"What? I'm not going anywhere."

I exhale a deep breath and turn around. "Isla, please. I cannot do this with you."

"But you can with her?" She says angrily.

I roll my eyes and when I turn and see Sheldon approaching, I almost breathe a sigh of relief.

"Isla?" He stops, looks to make sure it's her and starts moving again. "What in God's name are you doing here?"

"Sheldon." She rolls her eyes and flips her hair over her shoulder. "Don't you have anything better to do?"

He stops beside Reena, asks if she's okay and she nods.

"Max, we're going to be late for class. We should get going."

We all turn to leave but Isla grabs my hand, stopping me. "So you're be really going to choose her over me? Like look at her, her mother is a nobody and she doesn't even have a father. Is that the type of girl you want to spend your life with?!"

Before I can say anything I hear Sheldon laugh, "Do you hear yourself Isla? You're trying to put down someone in hopes you'll look like the better choice, but honestly, you're only making yourself look worse."

"I didn't ask you anything Sheldon. Why don't you mind your business and try to worry more about how you're going to get into college if you don't get a scholarship, because last I heard, your parents are broke." She smiles and sticks out her head at him.

Reena pulls at my hand and I see that her forehead is wet with sweat, "I don't feel so good."

"Shit," Sheldon drapes her hand over his shoulder and nods at me. I'm ready to move with her when I pause and turn to Isla, where I just stare at her because I'm having a hard time believing this is the girl I loved, was she always like this and was I blinded by my love for her?

"Isla, what happened to you?"

Instead of answering, she drops her head to the side and looks at me, "What happened to you? I leave the country for what, some months and you knock up some random chick and now she's your girlfriend?" She tilts her head up, laughs then drops it to give me a comical stare, "What next Reed, you're going to tell me you're in love with her too?"

"Well, I guess the jokes on you because I am." I smile as the words confidently spill from my lips and her face drops. I turn my head to see Reena looking at me, eyes wide and bright, "I love her for everything she is and isn't, and if that isn't enough, she's carrying my child." I drop my eyes to her small round belly and smile, "Our child."

Isla laughs and I turn around to look at her and say my final goodbyes, this is pointless. I don't even know why she's here. "Take care Isla." I make to move but stop as Isla says her piece.

"You've made a mistake you'll only live to regret, and I won't be there to pick up the pieces."

I stare at her then as she grows even more angry but I decide to let it go it because as she stares at me, in her eyes I see it and it hits me. "You know I always thought your jealousy was cute, but right now I think it's the pathetic. You should go home."

Before she can open her mouth, I'm already walking away with Reena in my arms and Sheldon by my side.


Let me know what you guys think.

Enjoy and have a good time reading.

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