Reena - Odd Behaviour

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When I wake up, I notice the lights on Reed's bedside table are on which means it's pretty late. Taking a deep breath I try sitting up and that's when I notice Reed, staring at me. This isn't the first time I've woken up yo him staring at me, but this time it feels different. He seems like he has a lot on his mind and it worries me a bit.

"You okay?" I ask and he just replies with a limp nod.

"You're sure?"

He nods once more and gives me a small smile which really doesn't do much to alleviate the worry. "Mhm. Okay."

"How are you?" When he asks me this, I just stare at him trying to figure out what's on his mind. 

"I'm fine. Your daughter is fine." I stress the word daughter and he laughs a little.

"See, I knew I could make you a believer."

I laugh a little and move my feet off the bed, "Wha time is it?"

He looks down at his phone and moves towards me, "Almost 11:30."

I gape at him and quickly stand up, "Reed, I need to go home."

When he doesn't say anything or even move to get up, I turn on him and wave my hand. "Reed. I need to be home, now."

"Can't you stay for tonight."

Sighing, I move to stand in front him, my belly right in his face. "Look, I need to hit the books tonight babe. You know I would if I could."

"Okay," he says but he hasn't given up, he never does. "What if I take your books here, would you stay then?"

"Max, please understand. I need to see if my mom's home too, okay?" 

"You can still come back over." He insists and I pause for a bit.

Eventually, I step back and look him dead in the eye, "Reed, you have something you want to tell me?"

"Yes, I want you here, with me."

I continue to look at him because even though he's made this request many times, he's never been so persistent and his tone is much more serious and I can feel like there's something he's not telling me.

"Reed, if you're worried about my safety you don't need to. I'm perfectly fine. You know the locks have been changed."

He looks down at the floor, before lifting his eyes to take a glimpse at my belly then my face. "It's not just that." 

He holds his head and I move to stand before him and sweep his hair back using my fingers. "You need to tell me what's the problem then Reed."

He sits there with his eyes trained on me, then he sighs, "I just want to have you by my side. Is that too much to ask for?"

"I'll always be by your side."

"Physically." He says and I hear the little frustration in his voice.

"Reed." I sigh and sit in his lap, "Please try to understand. I have to check up on my mother, and I have to study."

He doesn't say anything but begins to rub my belly.

"I can stay tomorrow night, promise."

I move to stand but he holds me. He clasps my face in his hands and before I can breathe, his lips are on mine. He squeezes my shoulder and strokes my hair, while placing me on my back and starts kissing me even harder. 

The intense passion I feel from his lips and how he's holding and squeezing me, is enough to push me over the edge and it does. That's until he stops and I stare at him, begging him to continue where he left off.

"Reena, I love you."

I sit up a little and he kisses me on the forehead. "I know Reed, and I love you too."

He bites his lip and moves to kiss me again but stops. "You're such a tease," I say hitting him on the shoulder and he kisses me on my neck.

"If I don't stop," he trails down to my collar. "you'll never leave here until morning."

I laugh a little and he gets up, "You have a point."

He throws a jacket around me and pulls me up. "How much of these do you have for me?" He looks at his jacket then smiles at me.

"Well, this makes seven."

He grins and puts his hand around my waist. "Seven. You'll soon be able to open a Burlington Store all my yourself."

I shake with laughter and he smiles, "I still need three more."


As we move to leave, Reed is still giving me the same look and he is still not talking. We're almost at the door when his mom comes from the living room and hugs me. "Reena. You've been scarce."

She looks down at my belly and her eyes widen, "And you're growing. The glow on you," She sweeps my hair from my face and blushes, "it's beautiful. Have you decided on a name yet?"

"Well no, Reed still hasn't told me what he wants to name his daughter." I give him a quick look and he pinches me on my butt. I slap his hand away and giggle.

"Well Max, have you thought of any names?" His mom repeats, and his face grows a little sad.

"Just one." He says and I turn to look at him.

"Well," I say and he drops his head.


His mom's mouth drops open and her hand drops over her chest. Before I know it, she's tearing up and wiping at her eyes, smiling.

"Oh." She gets a hold of herself and goes back to the living room.

"Clare?" I ask and he looks at me, "That's your sister's name."

He confirms with a nod and I smile.

"I like it."

He looks to me and releases a deep breath.

"Is that what you wanted to tell me?"

His brows jump but he quickly masks it with a smile, "I'm glad you like it."

"Well, it means a lot to you so yes."

He kisses me then and this time it's slow and long.

"Okay, we need to leave before I keep you here."

As I stand there with a huge grin, he opens the door and leads me to the car. And as he pulls out, he kisses me one more time and holds my hand. Then we're driving away to my house.



Thanks for all the support guys, you all are so amazing. I appreciate it, so much!

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