Reed - Heirloom

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It’s minutes away from Reena’s birthday, minutes, and she’s sleeping. I begged her to stay up with me so we could celebrate it together at the exact moment the clock strikes twelve, but all she wanted to do was sleep.

I’m not even upset with her because today she had three quizzes and she was up all night studying for them, so I know she must be tired. As she turns her head next to my arm, I smile at how peaceful she looks in her sleep. Her long lashes form little shadows in her cheek and her big plump lips perk out, inviting me for a kiss.

I look at the clock again and notice that it’s just a minute before twelve, and so I decide to wake her up by kissing her. At first, she doesn’t move but then I feel her hands in my hair as her entire body comes alive and she moans in my mouth,

“Reed?” She says when I stop and I look back at the clock again.

“Happy Birthday.” She gives me this wide grin and starts kissing me again. “I thought you were tired.” I say with a smile in between kisses and she laughs,

“I am.” She stops and cups my cheek as she runs her hand in my hair. “Thanks for waking me up.”

“Well that’s a first.”

She rolls her eyes and with my help, sits up. “This is a special night, so it’s different from all the other times you woke me up.”

I cock a brow at her and she smiles, “What?”

“I know if I didn’t wake you up yesterday morning, you would have missed your first quiz and then you would’ve been mad at me.”

She rubs her eyes, “Please don’t remind me about that test.”

“How was it?”


“You say that but still get A’s.”

She looks at me and smiles.

“So, can I go back to sleep now?” She stretches out her hands and yawns.

“After I give you your present.”

She gives me this surprised look before turning it into a smile, “You got me something?”

I laugh at her innocent expression. “Well yeah, why wouldn’t I?”
“I didn’t mean it like that, it’s just…”

“It’s just what?”

She stares at me for a long time then talks, “Well, I’ve never really gotten a gift from anyone before, well except my mom.”

“Well,” I push my hand under the pillow and pull out a little blue box, “That’s about to change.”

I hand her the box and she looks at it then looks at me, “Thank you.”

I smile, “You don’t even know what’s in it yet.”

She bites her lip and looks back down at the box in her hands, then slow she takes the cover off and her eyes pop open.

“You don’t think I forgot, did you?”

“But, didn’t this cost a fortune?”

“That’s the good thing, it didn’t.”

She looks up at me in confusion before looking back down at the box. “But it looks, expensive.”

“It’s a family heirloom.”



She covers it up and sits it down beside me, “Max, I can’t accept that.”

I frown at her, “Why not?”

She fails to find words and I when I see a tear escape, that’s when I finally get why she doesn’t want it. “Reena,” I say her name but she refuses to look at me, “Reena.” I hold her head up so she can look at me when I speak, “You deserve this just as much as anyone.” She shakes her head and her eyes grow wet with unshed tears, “Reena, you’re pregnant with my child and I’m in love with you. Don’t you think that makes you deserving of that ring?”

“It’s a family heirloom, Max. I couldn’t.”

The ring has been in my family for more than six generation. It’s always given to the first born but in my case, since my sister passes away, it was passed on to me. It’s a small bronze wedding band that is made from white diamonds. My mother gave it to me after both dad and I explained to her my plans with Reena for the future. Mom giving me the ring a day after meant that she wholeheartedly agreed with the idea.

“Well you will. You’re a part of this family now. My family.”
She looks at me and gives me a little smile before pulling me into a tight hug. “Thank you.”

Even though she’s said those words to me a hundred times, this is the first time it’s sounded so different and I know it’s because all her heart is in it. “You’re welcome.”

She lets me go and I take the box from her, remove the ring and put it on her finger. “I’ll always love you, now and forever Reena.”

I pull her into my arms and kiss her, and she relaxes in my warm embrace. “You really are something else.”

I smile at that as she settles down beside me. “I try.”

Soon after I say that, I feel her body relax and I know she’s asleep. When I look down at her face, I see a small smile and it makes me contented to know she’s happy.



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